Prev: 45813 Up: Map Next: 46471
46429: Routine at B55D
Used by the routine at 46471.
46429 CALL 38782 Call 38782.
46432 LD HL,20651 Write 20651 to *38128.
46435 LD (38128),HL
46438 LD HL,(65142) HL=*65142.
46441 CALL 38124 Call 38124.
46444 LD HL,49846 HL=49846.
46447 LD B,19 B=19.
46449 CALL PrintCharacters Call PrintCharacters.
46452 LD A,22 PRINT AT 21, 16.
46454 RST 16
46455 LD A,21
46457 RST 16
46458 LD A,16
46460 RST 16
46461 LD A,169 POINT 8, 83.
46463 RST 16
46464 LD A,8
46466 RST 16
46467 LD A,83
46469 RST 16
46470 RET Return.
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