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CDB5: Table: Room Data
Table_RoomData CDB5 DEFW $CDF7 Room 00: Town Square.
CDB7 DEFW $CE01 Room 01: Stamp Street.
CDB9 DEFW $CE25 Room 02: The Post Office.
CDBB DEFW $CE37 Room 03: Market Street.
CDBD DEFW $CE69 Room 04: The Super Market.
CDBF DEFW $CE7B Room 05: The Park.
CDC1 DEFW $CE89 Room 06: Wobbly Walk.
CDC3 DEFW $CEAD Room 07: Rubble Road.
CDC5 DEFW $CEC9 Room 08: Wall Street.
CDC7 DEFW $CEE1 Room 09: Pete Street.
CDC9 DEFW $CEF9 Room 0A: The Work Shed.
CDCB DEFW $CF09 Room 0B: School Lane.
CDCD DEFW $CF29 Room 0C: The School.
CDCF DEFW $CF49 Room 0D: Baker Street.
CDD1 DEFW $CF71 Room 0E: The Bakers.
CDD3 DEFW $CF97 Room 0F: The Pub.
CDD5 DEFW $CFB5 Room 10: Motor Way.
CDD7 DEFW $CFD9 Room 11: The Laboratory.
CDD9 DEFW $CFEF Room 12: The Garage.
CDDB DEFW $D009 Room 13: Reference Road.
CDDD DEFW $D039 Room 14: The Library.
CDDF DEFW $D057 Room 15: Penny Lane.
CDE1 DEFW $D08B Room 16: The Bank.
CDE3 DEFW $D0AF Room 17: Wally's House.
CDE5 DEFW $D0C3 Room 18: Meat Street.
CDE7 DEFW $D0E7 Room 19: The Butchers.
CDE9 DEFW $D109 Room 1A: Trunk Road.
CDEB DEFW $D125 Room 1B: The Zoo.
CDED DEFW $D135 Room 1C: Rail Road.
CDEF DEFW $D153 Room 1D: The Station.
CDF1 DEFW $D16D Room 1E: The Docks.
CDF3 DEFW $D17D Room 1F: The Sewer.
CDF5 DEFW $D191 Room 20: The Cave.
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