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47796: Redraws Banner Underline
Used by the routines at 33198 and 60919.
Redraw_Banner_Underline 47796 LD HL,47795 HL=MessagingCountdown.
Return if the "Character Is In Place" messaging countdown has already finished (i.e. is zero).
47799 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
47800 OR A Return if A is zero.
47801 RET Z
Take one away from the countdown count.
47802 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
Return if the countdown is still "in-progress".
47803 RET NZ Return if the result is not zero.
If the countdown is now zero, refresh/ redraw the banner (which the messaging overlays).
47804 LD C,66 C=66 (INK: RED, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) ).
47806 LD HL,57308 Write Font to 47081.
47809 LD (47081),HL
47812 LD DE,1024 DE=1024 (screen co-ordinates).
47815 LD HL,32360 HL=Messaging_Banner_Underline.
47818 CALL Controller_Tile Call Controller_Tile.
47821 RET Return.
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