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48361: Item Data
Items in room 0: Town Square.
Items_TownSquare 48361 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 1: Stamp Street.
Items_StampStreet 48362 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 2: The Post Office.
Items_ThePostOffice 48363 DEFB 0,200,144,31 Item ID: 0.
48367 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 3: Market Street.
Items_MarketStreet 48368 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 4: The Super Market.
Items_TheSuperMarket 48369 DEFB 1,24,136,159 Item ID: 1.
48373 DEFB 2,120,168,31 Item ID: 2.
48377 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 5: The Park.
Items_ThePark 48378 DEFB 3,136,168,159 Item ID: 3.
48382 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 6: Wobbly Walk.
Items_WobblyWalk 48383 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 7: Rubble Road.
Items_RubbleRoad 48384 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 8: Wall Street.
Items_WallStreet 48385 DEFB 4,32,160,159 Item ID: 4.
48389 DEFB 5,200,104,159 Item ID: 5.
48393 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 9: Pete Street.
48394 DEFB 6,64,168,159 Item ID: 6.
48398 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 10: The Work Shed.
48399 DEFB 7,96,144,31 Item ID: 7.
48403 DEFB 8,128,168,31 Item ID: 8.
48407 DEFB 9,200,168,31 Item ID: 9.
48411 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 11: School Lane.
48412 DEFB 10,40,80,159 Item ID: 10.
48416 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 12: The School.
48417 DEFB 11,16,168,159 Item ID: 11.
48421 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 13: Baker Street.
Items_BakerStreet 48422 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 14: The Bakers.
48423 DEFB 12,16,160,31 Item ID: 12.
48427 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 15: The Pub.
48428 DEFB 13,160,144,159 Item ID: 13.
48432 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 16: Motor Way.
48433 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 17: The Laboratory.
48434 DEFB 14,96,144,31 Item ID: 14.
48438 DEFB 15,216,144,31 Item ID: 15.
48442 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 18: The Garage.
48443 DEFB 16,120,168,31 Item ID: 16.
48447 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 19: Reference Road.
48448 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 20: The Library.
48449 DEFB 17,56,144,159 Item ID: 17.
48453 DEFB 18,120,144,159 Item ID: 18.
48457 DEFB 19,192,144,159 Item ID: 19.
48461 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 21: Penny Lane.
48462 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 22: The Bank.
48463 DEFB 20,200,168,31 Item ID: 20.
48467 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 23: Wally's House.
48468 DEFB 21,120,168,31 Item ID: 21.
48472 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 24: Meat Street.
48473 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 25: The Butchers.
Items_TheButchers 48474 DEFB 22,16,168,159 Item ID: 22.
48478 DEFB 23,16,144,159 Item ID: 23.
48482 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 26: Trunk Road.
48483 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 27: The Zoo.
48484 DEFB 24,8,168,159 Item ID: 24.
48488 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 28: Rail Road.
48489 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 29: The Station.
48490 DEFB 25,176,144,31 Item ID: 25.
48494 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 30: The Docks.
48495 DEFB 26,0,168,159 Item ID: 26.
48499 DEFB 27,132,144,159 Item ID: 27.
48503 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 31: The Sewer.
48504 DEFB 28,120,168,31 Item ID: 28.
48508 DEFB 255 Terminator.
Items in room 32: The Cave.
48509 DEFB 29,0,152,159 Item ID: 29.
48513 DEFB 30,72,168,159 Item ID: 30.
48517 DEFB 255 Terminator.
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