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58472: Draw Character Item Label
Used by the routine at 58397.
DrawCharacterItemLabel 58472 CALL Controller_Tile Call Controller_Tile.
58475 LD C,7 C=7.
Check to see if there is a task associated with this item.
58477 LD A,(HL) Return if *HL is not 244 (control character).
58478 CP 244
58480 RET NZ
58481 INC HL Increment HL by one.
Fetch the task ID.
58482 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
58483 INC HL Increment HL by one.
58484 CALL Handler_TaskCompleted Call Handler_TaskCompleted.
58487 JP NZ,Controller_Tile If the task has completed, jump to Controller_Tile.
The task has not yet been completed, so move onto the next messaging label.
This works as the items are stored as "completed label"+"termintor", "not completed label"+"termintor".
58490 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
58491 LD B,255 B=255.
58493 LD A,B A=B.
58494 CPIR Find the next messaging label.
58496 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
58497 JP Controller_Tile Jump to Controller_Tile.
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