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7493: Get Common Word
Used by the routine at PrintMsg.
A Letter reference
DE Common word address
GetCommonWord 7493 SUB $60 Subtract $60 from the letter byte - anything higher than $60 signifies the letter is a "common word".
7495 LD E,A Create offset for the word look-up.
7496 LD D,$00
7498 LD HL,$AD3D HL=CommonWords
749B ADD HL,DE Add to base address at CommonWords so that pointer is at the referenced word.
749D LD E,(HL) E=LSB of word address.
749E INC HL A=MSB of word address.
749F LD A,(HL)
74A0 ADD A,$50 Add $50 to A and store the result in D.
74A2 LD D,A
74A3 JP PrintMsg_Token Jump to PrintMsg_Token.
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