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9F82: Get Object First Location
Used by the routines at 96B3, 9ACD and Action_None.
A Object ID
A Either $FF if the object appears once, or the location ID of the first time the object appears.
ObjectFirstLocation 9F82 CP $FF Return if this is the terminator character ($FF).
9F84 RET Z
9F85 CALL LocateObject Call LocateObject to set IX to the object data address.
9F88 LD A,$01 Does the object appear in the game once?
9F8A CP (IX+$00)
9F8D LD A,$FF A=$FF (termination character).
9F8F RET NZ Return if not.
9F90 LD A,(IX+$10) A=the first location the object appears in.
9F93 RET Return.
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