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44413: Text Messages
TextMessages 44413 DEFB 102,108,97,131,71,139,234,32 " but fall and hit your head[0x15]"
44421 DEFB 72,69,65,68,21
44426 DEFB 102,108,97,133,230,139,234,181 " but fall and smash your skull"
44434 DEFB 190
44435 DEFB 111,105,115,137,197,120,139,222 " i do not know the word " [0x16]"
44443 DEFB 32,34,32,22
44447 DEFB 125,32,63,20 " what ?[0x14]"
44451 DEFB 13,247,168,1,46,13,251,135 "[0x0d] You[0x01].[0x0d] Time passes..[0x15]"
44459 DEFB 138,116,46,46,21
44464 DEFB 111,105,115,137,197,120,139,169 " i do not know the verb "[0x01][0x01][0x01] "[0x14]"
44472 DEFB 32,34,1,1,1,32,34,20
44480 DEFB 1,1,1,0,1,1,1,125 "[0x01][0x01][0x01][0x00][0x01][0x01][0x01] what ? [0x16]"
44488 DEFB 32,63,32,22
44492 DEFB 139,209,1,32,63,32,22 " which[0x01] ? [0x16]"
44499 DEFB 111,105,115,118,0,110,20 " i do not see[0x00] here[0x14]"
44506 DEFB 20 "[0x14]"
44507 DEFB 111,118,138,93,166,209 " i see nothing to."
44513 DEFB 11,249,1,1,1,20 "[0x0b] D[0x01][0x01][0x14]"
44519 DEFB 11,243,1,1,1,0,1,1 "[0x0b] Eat[0x01][0x01][0x00][0x01][0x01][0x01][0x14]"
44527 DEFB 1,20
44529 DEFB 16,115,104,114,21 "You are not carrying it[0x15]"
44534 DEFB 16,104,21 "You are carrying[0x15]"
44537 DEFB 19,104,20 "[0x13] carrying[0x14]"
44540 DEFB 97,114,194,206,139,70,184,26 " and it get(s|d|ing|es) swept away"
44548 DEFB 7,113,124,131,39,123,179,212 "[0x07] is too heavy to lift"
44556 DEFB 16,104,124,186,75 "You are carrying too much"
44561 DEFB 16,128,81,104,7,21 "You are already carrying[0x07][0x15]"
44567 DEFB 123,120,22 " to the[0x16]"
44570 DEFB 9,113,124,178,185 "[0x09] is too full"
44575 DEFB 114,113,177,142 " it is dark"
44579 DEFB 4,113,124,133,225,130,143,6 "[0x04] is too small for you to enter"
44587 DEFB 123,178,45
44590 DEFB 4,113,124,130,185,130,143,6 "[0x04] is too full for you to{5} enter[0x15]"
44598 DEFB 123,210,45,21
44602 DEFB 126,132,173,139,196,202,126,128 " with one well place(s|d|ing|es) blow you cleave[0x0e] skull"
44610 DEFB 175,6,136,102,14,181,190
44617 DEFB 12,32,86,73,79,76,69,78 "[0x0c] violent attack almost kill(s|d|ing|es)You[0x15]"
44625 DEFB 84,128,115,135,217,195,168,6
44633 DEFB 21
44634 DEFB 6,130,212,7,96,135,65,209 "You give[0x07] a vicious{5} cut in the ribs-[0x0e] strength is failing fast"
44642 DEFB 120,112,120,133,57,45,14,139
44650 DEFB 46,113,137,2,178,83
44656 DEFB 96,132,106,133,207,202,37,14 " a nasty slice miss(s|d|ing|es)[0x0e] heart"
44664 DEFB 179,34
44666 DEFB 6,133,207,14,45,131,18,128 "You slice[0x0e]- hand blood drips slowly to the ground"
44674 DEFB 179,136,202,133,219,123,120,185
44682 DEFB 101
44683 DEFB 6,130,212,7,96,132,106,213 "You give[0x07] a nasty{5} slash in the leg"
44691 DEFB 195,112,120,179,201
44696 DEFB 6,131,71,7,131,22,117,120 "You hit[0x07] hard on the shoulder-[0x07] stagger(s) and almost fall(s)[0x15]"
44704 DEFB 133,158,45,7,155,3,97,135
44712 DEFB 217,146,79,21
44716 DEFB 96,130,83,101,137,191,120,139 " a fast blow knocks the wind out of[0x07][0x15]"
44724 DEFB 218,132,191,116,7,21
44730 DEFB 96,130,83,134,94,139,64,7 " a fast stroke sweeps[0x07] off[0x0e] feet, but[0x11] on guard in a moment"
44738 DEFB 132,159,14,130,93,44,102,17
44746 DEFB 117,137,111,112,96,186,41
44753 DEFB 6,131,71,7,126,96,137,76 "You hit[0x07] with a glancing blow and leave[0x07] momentarily stunned"
44761 DEFB 101,97,131,196,7,138,47,182
44769 DEFB 112
44770 DEFB 6,139,129,7,128,124,45,7 "You thrust[0x07] back-[0x07] lose(s)[0x0e] footing but recover(s) quickly"
44778 DEFB 153,232,14,137,53,102,154,164
44786 DEFB 181,12
44788 DEFB 6,139,75,136,75,99,14,128 "You swing broadside at[0x0e] body but at the last moment[0x07] jump(s) aside"
44796 DEFB 191,102,99,120,137,201,138,41
44804 DEFB 7,147,161,184,8
44809 DEFB 12,3,139,64,138,122,129,52 "[0x0c][0x03] sweeps past close to[0x0e] ear"
44817 DEFB 123,14,177,251
44821 DEFB 6,133,195,99,7,102,120,101 "You slash at[0x07] but the blow is ineffective"
44829 DEFB 113,185,160
44832 DEFB 6,136,62,12,3,44,102,17 "You brandish[0x0c][0x03], but[0x11] on guard"
44840 DEFB 117,185,111
44843 DEFB 6,139,75,130,87,99,7,102 "You swing feebly at[0x07] but miss by a wide margin"
44851 DEFB 138,37,136,91,96,135,125,185
44859 DEFB 253
44860 DEFB 6,138,178,139,139,45,6,139 "You seem tired-you stagger but valiantly attempt another blow"
44868 DEFB 3,102,135,40,76,89,136,19
44876 DEFB 128,94,176,175
44880 DEFB 102,120,136,207,113,139,187,46 " but the effort is wasted.[0x0e] defense is too strong"
44888 DEFB 14,136,162,113,124,182,100
44895 DEFB 127,103,131,168,126,9,21 " you cannot kill with[0x09][0x15]"
44902 DEFB 114,202,171,128,67,160,91 " it sail(s|d|ing|es) across and."
44909 DEFB 131,187,83,117,120,138,107,181 " lands on the other side"
44917 DEFB 166
44918 DEFB 194,79,137,177,133,153,116,120 " fall(s|d|ing|es) just short of the other side"
44926 DEFB 138,107,181,166
44930 DEFB 11,8,102,202,212,132,191,183 "[0x0b][0x08] but slide(s|d|ing|es) out again"
44938 DEFB 195
44939 DEFB 131,187,83,112,120,176,184 " lands in the boat"
44946 DEFB 120,128,184,137,84,128,67,120 " the boat glides across the river and lands on this side"
44954 DEFB 133,74,97,131,187,83,117,122
44962 DEFB 181,166
44964 DEFB 126,96,137,181,120,128,184,137 " with a lurch the boat glides across the river and[0x02] ngfar"
44972 DEFB 84,128,67,120,133,74,97,2
44980 DEFB 185,7
44982 DEFB 113,115,112,9,21 " is not in[0x09][0x15]"
44987 DEFB 4,113,1,21 "[0x04] is[0x01][0x15]"
44991 DEFB 111,103,105,182,155 " i cannot do that"
44996 DEFB 111,118,138,93,185,137 " i see nothing here"
45002 DEFB 131,120,2,17,132,170,2,13 " in[0x02][0x11] on[0x02][0x0d] behind[0x02][0x09] under[0x02][0x05] tied to the[0x16]"
45010 DEFB 136,37,2,9,139,155,2,5
45018 DEFB 134,205,68,123,120,22
45024 DEFB 1,121,1,20 "[0x01] there[0x01][0x14]"
45028 DEFB 4,113,104,4,21 "[0x04] is carrying[0x04][0x15]"
45033 DEFB 111,103,130,133,7,109,110,21 " i cannot follow[0x07] from here[0x15]"
45041 DEFB 16,177,146 "You are dead"
45044 DEFB 6,118,138,93,138,247,185,137 "You see nothing special here"
45052 DEFB 16,131,120,22 "You are in[0x16]"
45056 DEFB 6,118,22 "You see[0x16]"
45059 DEFB 6,138,175,32,58,20 "You see :[0x14]"
45065 DEFB 6,133,132,32,34,22 "You say "[0x16]"
45071 DEFB 32,34,46,20 " ".[0x14]"
45075 DEFB 121,113,0,20 " there is[0x00][0x14]"
45079 DEFB 0,194,45,46,20 "[0x00] enter(s|d|ing|es).[0x14]"
45084 DEFB 0,199,234,21 "[0x00] appear(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45088 DEFB 139,173,136,241,98,58,22 " visible exits are:[0x16]"
45095 DEFB 127,217,133,96,186,85 " you{5} hear a noise"
45101 DEFB 9,105,69,83,115,137,25,122 "[0x09] does not fit this lock"
45109 DEFB 179,242
45111 DEFB 120,132,36,106,196,180,46,20 " the magic door open(s|d|ing|es).[0x14]"
45119 DEFB 120,132,36,106,193,52,46,20 " the magic door close(s|d|ing|es).[0x14]"
45127 DEFB 139,88,167,168 " thank you."
45131 DEFB 125,39,83,122,32,63,22 " what's this ?[0x16]"
45138 DEFB 127,98,200,198,96,130,255,169 " you are do(s|d|ing|es) a great job."
45146 DEFB 174
45147 DEFB 137,155,167,37 " hurry up."
45151 DEFB 163,44 " hello."
45153 DEFB 122,139,184,251,111,163,165 " this was Thrains key."
45160 DEFB 7,194,79,129,196,96,131,93 "[0x07] fall(s|d|ing|es) down a hole and vanish(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45168 DEFB 97,203,163,21
45172 DEFB 16,115,135,114,73,78,71,7 "You are not wearing[0x07][0x15]"
45180 DEFB 21
45181 DEFB 9,113,128,81,134,205,68,21 "[0x09] is already tied[0x15]"
45189 DEFB 120,135,65,135,154,133,108,135 " the vicious warg run around you and howls."
45197 DEFB 248,127,97,169,150
45202 DEFB 7,113,115,134,205,68,21 "[0x07] is not tied[0x15]"
45209 DEFB 119,134,35,83,139,23,202,21 " some spiders start mend(s|d|ing|es) the broken web"
45217 DEFB 120,128,205,183,118
45222 DEFB 125,105,127,136,246,132,47,123 " what do you expect me to do with this ?[0x16]"
45230 DEFB 105,126,122,32,63,22
45236 DEFB 136,5,138,243,136,5,6,139 " as soon as you touch the river you fall asleep and gently float away"
45244 DEFB 147,120,133,74,6,108,136,13
45252 DEFB 97,130,200,137,38,184,26
45259 DEFB 139,204,39,83,120,134,171,32 " where's the thief ?[0x16]"
45267 DEFB 63,22
45269 DEFB 130,206,139,160,132,191,116,122 " get us out of this one, thief ![0x16]"
45277 DEFB 132,173,44,134,171,32,33,22
45285 DEFB 134,180,202,208,129,196,97,203 " thorin sit(s|d|ing|es) down and start(s|d|ing|es) sing(s|d|ing|es) about gold."
45293 DEFB 23,202,200,135,176,162,239
45300 DEFB 134,180,167,86 " thorin wait."
45304 DEFB 6,108,136,13,21 "You fall asleep[0x15]"
45309 DEFB 120,134,35,135,118,113,133,219 " the spider web is slowly smothering you."
45317 DEFB 133,243,167,168
45321 DEFB 120,133,225,129,99,131,165,202 " the small curious key shatter(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45329 DEFB 193,21
45331 DEFB 128,88,130,10,139,64,186,122 " an elf sweeps past"
45339 DEFB 127,103,138,159,7,21 " you cannot reach[0x07][0x15]"
45345 DEFB 16,115,104,120,176,195 "You are not carrying the bow"
45351 DEFB 120,128,107,138,37,69,83,9 " the arrow misses[0x09] by a wide margin"
45359 DEFB 136,91,96,135,125,185,253
45366 DEFB 120,128,107,211,71,83,7,21 " the arrow{5} hits[0x07][0x15]"
45374 DEFB 16,124,176,162 "You are too big"
45378 DEFB 0,200,225,21 "[0x00] evaporate(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45382 DEFB 12,130,177,137,90,137,123,211 "[0x0c] foul gluttony has{5} killed you[0x15]"
45390 DEFB 168,69,68,6,21
45395 DEFB 16,133,219,202,204,131,142,120 "You are slowly sink(s|d|ing|es) into the bog"
45403 DEFB 176,188
45405 DEFB 120,107,197,132,32,34,251,196 " the dragon say(s|d|ing|es) " Well thief your cunning has failed you this time. prepare to die " .[0x14]"
45413 DEFB 134,171,139,234,129,113,137,123
45421 DEFB 136,252,127,122,139,135,46,138
45429 DEFB 145,123,136,177,32,34,32,46
45437 DEFB 20
45438 DEFB 120,107,197,132,32,34,243,115 " the dragon say(s|d|ing|es) " I may not be able to see you thief but I can still burn you. prepare to die " .[0x14]"
45446 DEFB 138,13,115,100,135,172,123,118
45454 DEFB 127,134,171,102,243,115,128,235
45462 DEFB 139,28,128,211,127,46,138,145
45470 DEFB 123,136,177,32,34,32,46,20
45478 DEFB 112,120,136,186,127,118,120,138 " in the distance you see the shape of a monstrous dragon flying after you"
45486 DEFB 188,116,96,132,69,107,137,43
45494 DEFB 128,73,183,168
45498 DEFB 120,107,136,169,97,112,96,139 " the dragon descends and in a terrific{5} spout of flames burn(s|d|ing|es) you to a crisp[0x15]"
45506 DEFB 80,218,254,116,130,111,192,211
45514 DEFB 127,123,96,136,150,21
45520 DEFB 210,222,1,109,0,123,210,206 "{5} go[0x01] from[0x00] to{5} get to[0x00][0x16]"
45528 DEFB 123,0,22
45531 DEFB 138,227,203,38,127,109,184,37 " someone strangle(s|d|ing|es) you from behind"
45539 DEFB 7,133,132,83,32,34,250,82 "[0x07] says " No "[0x14]"
45547 DEFB 32,34,20
45550 DEFB 114,103,100,118,78,44,103,100 " it cannot be seen, cannot be felt[0x0d] Cannot be hear(s|d|ing|es), cannot be smelt.[0x0d] It lie(s|d|ing|es) behind star(s|d|ing|es) and under hills,[0x0d$"
45558 DEFB 137,21,13,240,238,100,201,133
45566 DEFB 44,103,100,138,222,46,13,243
45574 DEFB 158,201,219,136,37,203,15,97
45582 DEFB 139,155,131,66,44,13,240,91
45590 DEFB 210,40,131,93,83,114,194,97
45598 DEFB 46,13,243,158,200,113,137,28
45606 DEFB 97,194,133,128,73,44,13,200
45614 DEFB 213,137,223,44,195,168,137,211
45622 DEFB 46,22
45624 DEFB 136,56,44,132,19,99,122,33 " blimey, look at this!! Can yer cook'em?[0x16]"
45632 DEFB 33,240,235,139,231,136,139,39
45640 DEFB 69,77,63,22
45644 DEFB 139,231,128,235,139,144,44,102 " yer can try, but he wouldn't make above a mouthfull."
45652 DEFB 137,130,139,226,78,39,84,137
45660 DEFB 249,135,181,96,170,62
45666 DEFB 112,96,129,39,126,139,152,134 " in a clearing with two stone trolls."
45674 DEFB 65,166,253
45677 DEFB 16,139,70,130,146,135,200,120 "You are swept forcefully against the portcullis"
45685 DEFB 180,241
45687 DEFB 121,113,96,137,236,129,81,97 " there is a loud crack and a hole appear(s|d|ing|es) about three feet from the ground.[0x0d] You are stand(s|d|ing|es) in front of the side door to the Lone$"
45695 DEFB 96,131,93,199,234,135,176,139
45703 DEFB 118,130,93,109,120,137,101,46
45711 DEFB 13,247,168,98,203,10,112,137
45719 DEFB 64,116,120,133,166,106,123,120
45727 DEFB 244,9,244,78,21
45732 DEFB 120,131,93,203,163,21 " the hole vanish(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45738 DEFB 246,159,132,36,106,203,180,116 " The magic door warn(s|d|ing|es) of elves approach(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45746 DEFB 130,29,199,240,21
45751 DEFB 139,209,113,120,135,228,134,155 " which is the animal that has four feet in the morn(s|d|ing|es), two at midday and three in the evening ?[0x16]"
45759 DEFB 137,123,137,60,130,93,112,120
45767 DEFB 202,58,44,139,152,99,138,31
45775 DEFB 97,139,118,112,120,136,234,32
45783 DEFB 63,22
45785 DEFB 125,137,123,114,137,98,112,137 " what has it got in its pocket(s|d|ing|es) ?[0x16]"
45793 DEFB 171,202,131,32,63,22
45799 DEFB 138,79,136,48,138,152,32,34 " my birthday present " how did we lose it.[0x0d] my precious "[0x16]"
45807 DEFB 137,147,136,180,139,193,137,232
45815 DEFB 114,46,13,138,79,138,137,32
45823 DEFB 34,22
TextMessages_0 45825 DEFB 6,103,131,161,132,176,7,109 "You cannot jump onto[0x07] from here[0x15]"
45833 DEFB 110,21
45835 DEFB 136,159,200,155,176,0 " day dawn(s|d|ing|es) |b"
45841 DEFB 6,118,119,138,112,136,84,130 "You see some pale bulbous eyes star(s|d|ing|es) at You[0x15]"
45849 DEFB 75,203,19,99,6,21
45855 DEFB 119,134,176,71,193,232,109,135 " some thing drop(s|d|ing|es) from above and sting(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]"
45863 DEFB 181,97,203,33,21
45868 DEFB 127,98,139,123,132,176,120,136 " you are thrown onto the bank of the long lake"
45876 DEFB 30,116,120,132,15,179,183
45883 DEFB 32,32,32,32,32,234,93 " {6} nothing"
45890 DEFB 139,23,32,84,65,80,69,134 "start tape then press any key"
45898 DEFB 162,32,80,82,69,83,83,32
45906 DEFB 65,78,89,179,165
45911 DEFB 84,65,80,69,32,69,82,82 "tape error - hit any key to restart program[0x15]"
45919 DEFB 79,82,32,45,32,32,32,32
45927 DEFB 131,71,32,65,78,89,131,165
45935 DEFB 123,32,82,69,83,84,65,82
45943 DEFB 84,32,80,82,79,71,82,65
45951 DEFB 77,21
45953 DEFB 84,65,80,69,32,69,82,82 "tape error - hit any key to continue[0x15]"
45961 DEFB 79,82,32,45,32,32,32,32
45969 DEFB 131,71,32,65,78,89,131,165
45977 DEFB 123,32,67,79,78,84,73,78
45985 DEFB 85,69,21
45988 DEFB 82,69,87,73,78,68,97,32 "rewind and prepare tape for verification -- then hit any key"
45996 DEFB 80,82,69,80,65,82,69,32
46004 DEFB 84,65,80,69,130,143,32,32
46012 DEFB 32,32,32,86,69,82,73,70
46020 DEFB 73,67,65,84,73,79,78,32
46028 DEFB 32,45,45,134,162,131,71,32
46036 DEFB 65,78,89,179,165
46041 DEFB 13,13,13,96,32,67,72,69 "[0x0d][0x0d][0x0d] a cheering crowd of dwarves, hobbits and elves appear(s|d|ing|es). led by gandalf they carry you off into the sunset, proclaiming you he$"
46049 DEFB 69,82,73,78,71,32,67,82
46057 DEFB 79,87,68,116,32,68,87,65
46065 DEFB 82,86,69,83,44,32,72,79
46073 DEFB 66,66,73,84,83,97,130,29
46081 DEFB 199,234,46,32,76,69,68,136
46089 DEFB 91,130,189,32,84,72,69,89
46097 DEFB 129,13,127,132,159,131,142,120
46105 DEFB 32,83,85,78,83,69,84,44
46113 DEFB 32,80,82,79,67,76,65,73
46121 DEFB 77,73,78,71,127,32,32,72
46129 DEFB 69,82,79,116,32,72,69,82
46137 DEFB 79,69,83,97,32,77,65,83
46145 DEFB 84,69,82,32,65,68,86,69
46153 DEFB 78,84,85,82,69,82,32,33
46161 DEFB 33,33,21
46164 DEFB 127,137,126,32,77,65,83,84 " you have mastered [0x16]"
46172 DEFB 69,82,69,68,32,22
46178 DEFB 37,116,122,183,186 "% of this adventure"
46183 DEFB 32,89,79,85,39,82,69,32 " you're doing fine[0x15]"
46191 DEFB 68,79,73,78,71,32,70,73
46199 DEFB 78,69,21
Location Help Messages
46202 DEFB 96,134,253,129,192,32,78,69 " a trolls door needs a trolls key"
TextMessages_1 46210 DEFB 69,68,83,96,134,253,179,165
46218 DEFB 130,29,98,32,71,79,79,68 " elves are good at reading symbols"
46226 DEFB 99,133,48,73,78,71,182,133
46234 DEFB 96,135,140,32,83,72,79,85 " a window should be no obstacle to a thief with friends[0x15]"
46242 DEFB 76,68,100,138,82,32,79,66
46250 DEFB 83,84,65,67,76,69,123,96
46258 DEFB 134,171,126,32,70,82,73,69
46266 DEFB 78,68,83,21
46270 DEFB 128,184,83,128,235,131,30,46 " boats can help. Look carefully"
46278 DEFB 244,19,176,253
46282 DEFB 135,86,135,248,97,139,135,139 " wait around and time your exit carefully"
46290 DEFB 234,32,69,88,73,84,176,253
46298 DEFB 32,84,73,77,73,78,71,113 " timing is critical, remember barrels float"
46306 DEFB 32,67,82,73,84,73,67,65
46314 DEFB 76,44,32,82,69,77,69,77
46322 DEFB 66,69,82,128,132,83,185,38
46330 DEFB 135,86,96,32,87,72,73,76 " wait a while[0x15]"
46338 DEFB 69,21
46340 DEFB 134,140,32,67,65,82,69,123 " take care to leave at the right time"
46348 DEFB 131,196,99,120,32,82,73,71
46356 DEFB 72,84,187,135
46360 DEFB 96,32,76,73,86,73,78,71 " a living dragon is deadly, look to bard"
46368 DEFB 107,113,32,68,69,65,68,76
46376 DEFB 89,44,132,19,123,176,128
46383 DEFB 32,68,79,78,39,84,32,83 " don't stay here too long"
46391 DEFB 84,65,89,110,124,180,15
46398 DEFB 135,86,130,143,120,32,78,69 " wait for the new day dawning[0x15]"
46406 DEFB 87,136,159,32,68,65,87,78
46414 DEFB 73,78,71,21
46418 DEFB 121,218,178,123,100,119,134,133 " there{5} seem to be some symbols on it but you cannot read them"
46426 DEFB 117,114,102,6,103,133,48,187
46434 DEFB 93
46435 DEFB 127,118,96,130,83,130,126,128 " you see a fast flowing black river not very wide across"
46443 DEFB 165,133,74,115,135,61,135,125
46451 DEFB 176,67
46453 DEFB 96,129,63,135,3,131,218,163 " a comfortable tunnel like hall."
46461 DEFB 9
46462 DEFB 96,130,216,130,40,131,187,126 " a gloomy empty land with dreary hills ahead."
46470 DEFB 129,221,131,66,167,207
46476 DEFB 96,131,49,132,212,126,134,253 " a hidden path with trolls foot prints[0x16]"
46484 DEFB 137,49,132,251,83,22
46490 DEFB 120,134,253,161,18 " the trolls cave."
46495 DEFB 96,131,22,129,133,132,212,112 " a hard dangerous path in the misty mountains."
46503 DEFB 120,132,64,164,86
46508 DEFB 96,132,100,212,230,126,96,129 " a narrow{5} place with a dreadful drop into a dim valley."
46516 DEFB 213,129,232,131,142,96,136,183
46524 DEFB 167,47
46526 DEFB 96,132,100,129,133,164,212 " a narrow dangerous path."
46533 DEFB 96,131,191,129,236,129,18,139 " a large dry cave which is quite comfortable."
46541 DEFB 209,113,133,28,161,63
46547 DEFB 96,128,162,129,22,126,134,215 " a big cavern with torches along the walls[0x16]"
46555 DEFB 69,83,135,223,120,135,90,83
46563 DEFB 22
46564 DEFB 120,136,70,116,96,129,150,129 " the brink of a deep dark under ground lake."
46572 DEFB 142,139,155,137,101,163,183
46579 DEFB 120,130,232,162,196 " the goblins gate."
46584 DEFB 120,130,196,123,164,56 " the gate to mirkwood."
46590 DEFB 96,128,153,130,216,132,230,139 " a bewitched gloomy place surrounded by thick tree(s|d|ing|es) |b."
46598 DEFB 54,136,91,134,166,198,236,160
46606 DEFB 0
46607 DEFB 96,132,230,116,128,165,134,35 " a place of black spiders[0x16]"
46615 DEFB 83,22
46617 DEFB 96,130,160,116,134,148,133,243 " a forest of tangled smothering tree(s|d|ing|es)[0x16]"
46625 DEFB 198,236,22
46628 DEFB 96,78,130,34,129,39,126,131 " an elvish clearing with levelled ground and logs."
46636 DEFB 204,137,101,97,163,252
46642 DEFB 96,129,142,129,239,112,120,130 " a dark dungeon in the elvenkings halls."
46650 DEFB 19,163,13
46653 DEFB 120,129,28,139,204,120,131,174 " the cellar where the king keeps his barrels of wine."
46661 DEFB 137,186,137,144,128,132,83,116
46669 DEFB 167,146
46671 DEFB 96,135,162,134,220,112,120,138 " a wooden town in the middle of long lake."
46679 DEFB 25,116,132,15,163,183
46685 DEFB 96,134,100,133,74,58,120,136 " a strong river: the current is now too strong to move against."
46693 DEFB 143,113,138,100,124,134,100,123
46701 DEFB 138,71,167,200
46705 DEFB 96,128,170,128,138,131,187,134 " a bleak barren land that was once green."
46713 DEFB 155,139,184,138,103,163,4
46720 DEFB 120,133,103,116,120,134,220,116 " the ruins of the town of dale."
46728 DEFB 161,129
46730 DEFB 120,137,64,130,196,116,120,132 " the front gate of the lonely mountain."
46738 DEFB 9,164,78
46741 DEFB 120,135,121,133,166,116,165,33 " the west side of ravenhill."
46749 DEFB 120,131,13,139,204,120,107,197 " the halls where the dragon sleep(s|d|ing|es)[0x16]"
46757 DEFB 202,22
46759 DEFB 96,131,227,134,60,128,144,44 " a little steep bay, still and quiet, with an over hanging cliff."
46767 DEFB 139,28,97,133,19,44,126,128
46775 DEFB 88,132,201,137,116,168,108
46782 DEFB 96,133,237,134,70,164,205 " a smooth straight passage."
46789 DEFB 120,132,9,164,78 " the lonely mountain."
46794 DEFB 120,135,121,2,4,120,129,254 " the west[0x02][0x04] the east bank of a black river."
46802 DEFB 136,30,116,96,128,165,165,74
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