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38556: Input: Protek Joystick
Used by the routine at GameEntry.
InputTest_ProtekJoystick 38556 LD A,(23464) A=ControlMethod.
38559 CP 3 If this is already 3 then jump back to TitleSelectInput.
38561 JP Z,TitleSelectInput
This entry point is used by the routine at GameEntry.
Input_ProtekJoystick 38564 LD A,3 Write 3 to ControlMethod.
38566 LD (23464),A
38569 CALL TitleScreenPrint Call TitleScreenPrint.
38572 LD HL,22887 HL=22887.
38575 LD A,18 A=18.
38577 CALL 38610 Call 38610.
38580 JP TitleSelectInput Jump to TitleSelectInput.
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