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46965: High Score Print
Used by the routine at 46800.
HighScorePrint 46965 LD HL,16384 Writes 0 to all 6144 screen buffer address locations (clears the screen).
46968 LD BC,6143
46971 LD DE,16385
46974 LD (HL),0
46976 LDIR
46978 LD HL,22528 Writes 7 to all 768 attribute buffer address locations.
46981 LD DE,22529
46984 LD BC,767
46987 LD (HL),7
46989 LDIR
Open the upper screen channel.
46991 LD A,2 A=2.
46993 CALL 5633 Call CHAN_OPEN.
Uses PR_STRING to print to the screen.
46996 LD DE,47006 DE=HighScoreCopy (text).
46999 LD BC,123 BC=123 (counter).
47002 CALL 8252 Call PR_STRING.
47005 RET Return.
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