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48200: Routine at BC48
Used by the routine at StartGame.
48200 XOR A Write 0 to 23465.
48201 LD (23465),A
48204 LD A,4 Write 4 to 23440.
48206 LD (23440),A
48209 LD HL,0 Write 0 to 23438.
48212 LD (23438),HL
Open the upper screen channel.
48215 LD A,2 A=2.
48217 CALL 5633 Call CHAN_OPEN.
48220 CALL 51823 Call 51823.
48223 LD A,(23454)
48226 AND A
48227 RET Z
48228 LD A,(23440)
48231 INC A
48232 LD (23440),A
48235 CALL Stage1Print Call Stage1Print.
48238 CALL 49982 Call 49982.
48241 JP 50171 Jump to 50171.
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