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FD86: Shift Up Ticker News
Used by the routine at PlayTelecastIntro.
This creates the ticker "scrolling" effect, where the initial news moves to the middle, and then the bottom two news stories move to the top.
ShiftUpTickerNews FD86 LD HL,$7300 HL=7300.
FD89 LD DE,$6B00 DE=ShadowScreenBuffer.
FD8C LD BC,$1000 BC=1000.
FD8F LDIR Copy the bottom two-thirds of the shadow screen buffer "up" to the top of the buffer.
FD91 LD HL,$8400 HL=8400.
FD94 LD DE,$8300 DE=ShadowAttributeBuffer.
FD97 LD BC,$0200 BC=0200.
FD9A LDIR Copy the bottom two-thirds of the shadow attribute buffer "up" to the top of the buffer.
FD9C JR Handler_TickerNews Jump to Handler_TickerNews.
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