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D879: Defaults Of Some Kind?
Used by the routine at Game_Initialisation.
Defaults D879 DEFB $04,$04 Repeat 04 x 04 times.
D87B DEFB $06,$02 Repeat 02 x 06 times.
D87D DEFB $02,$01 Repeat 01 x 02 times.
D87F DEFB $01,$09 Write 09 just 1 time.
D881 DEFB $0D,$00 Repeat 00 x 0D times.
D883 DEFB $04,$03 Repeat 03 x 04 times.
D885 DEFB $04,$06 Repeat 06 x 04 times.
D887 DEFB $FF Terminator.
D888 DEFB $0C,$40
D88A DEFW $50A9
D88C DEFB $20,$48
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