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58058: Fetch Tile Object
Used by the routine at Handler_CursorMovement.
FetchTileObject 58058 LD HL,55348 Fetch *PlayerCursor_TileID and create an offset using the current tile ID.
58061 LD A,(HL)
58062 LD HL,57952
58065 LD B,0
58067 LD C,A
Note; the tile IDs are numbered starting from 1 so the routine is fetching from 57952+1=57953 (InGame_Tiles_Top).
58068 ADD HL,BC Add the offset to 57952 and fetch the item which is at the currently referenced tile ID location.
58069 LD A,(HL)
58070 CALL 57266 Call 57266.
58073 RET Return.
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