Prev: 9926 Up: Map Next: 9969
9942: Routine at 9942
9942 LD IX,($99E3) IX=*99E3.
9946 LD BC,($99E5) BC=*99E5.
994A JP $9403 Jump to 9403.
This entry point is used by the routines at Handler_Paris, Handler_Jerusalem, Handler_Munich, Handler_HongKong and Handler_SaoPaulo.
994D LD A,($99AB) Return if *99AB is equal to 50.
9950 CP $50
9952 RET Z
9953 LD A,($99AC) Return if *99AC is equal to 00.
9956 CP $00
9958 RET Z
9959 LD HL,($99B8) HL=*99B8.
995C PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
995D LD IX,($99E3) IX=*99E3.
9961 CALL $9762 Call 9762.
9964 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
9965 LD ($99B8),HL Write HL to *99B8.
9968 RET Return.
Prev: 9926 Up: Map Next: 9969