Prev: 81BB Up: Map Next: 822F
8209: Routine at 8209
Used by the routine at StartGame.
8209 DI Disable interrupts.
820A LD A,($5C78) A=FRAMES.
820D LD ($5E53),A
8210 LD A,$01 Write 01 to FrameUpdated.
8212 LD ($5E52),A
8215 PUSH IX
8217 LD HL,$6078 Write 6078 to 8262.
821A LD ($8262),HL
821D LD A,$C3 Write C3 to 826A.
821F LD ($826A),A
8222 LD HL,$823F Write 823F to 826B.
8225 LD ($826B),HL
8228 LD IX,$6000 IX=Laser_Param_1.
822C JP StartGame_2 Jump to StartGame_2.
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