Prev: 87B9 Up: Map Next: 8826
8807: Routine at 8807
Used by the routine at 87B9.
8807 EXX
8808 LD A,C
8809 AND A
880A JR NZ,$87E3
This entry point is used by the routine at 8787.
880C EXX
This entry point is used by the routine at 8787.
880D LD A,($5E5A)
8810 LD C,A
8811 LD A,($5E59)
8814 OR C
8815 RET Z
8816 XOR A
8817 LD ($5E5A),A
881A EXX
881B LD A,($5E59)
881E LD C,A
881F XOR A
This entry point is used by the routine at 8787.
8820 LD ($5E59),A
8823 EXX
8824 JR $87B9
Prev: 87B9 Up: Map Next: 8826