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AD00: Handler: Colourise 2x2
Used by the routines at 9EDC, ABA9, AD22 and AD36.
A The attribute value to write
HL The address in the attribute buffer to begin writing to
This routine writes an attribute value to four attribute buffer locations.
Handler_Colour2x2 AD00 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Move one byte to the right.
AD01 INC L Increment L by one.
AD02 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Moves down to the next line, but less one byte - so under the first attribute buffer location.
AD03 LD BC,$001F HL=HL+001F.
AD07 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Move one byte to the right.
AD08 INC L Increment L by one.
AD09 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
AD0A RET Return.
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