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70ED: Frame Update
Used by the routine at Message_SprayBugs.
FrameUpdate 70ED DI Disable interrupts.
70EE LD A,($5C78) Update LastFrame with FRAMES.
70F1 LD ($5E1F),A
70F4 LD A,$01 Set FrameUpdated as "being updated" (i.e. 01).
70F6 LD ($5E20),A
70F9 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
70FB LD HL,$5E8C Write State_Flower to 713D.
70FE LD ($713D),HL
7101 LD A,$C3 Write C3 to 714F and ResetModifiedInFrame to 7150, i.e. JP ResetModifiedInFrame.
7103 LD ($714F),A
7106 LD HL,$7125
7109 LD ($7150),HL
710C LD IX,$5E6C IX=State_Robbie_Active.
7110 JP MainLoop Jump to MainLoop.
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