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28909: Frame Update
Used by the routine at Message_SprayBugs.
FrameUpdate 28909 DI Disable interrupts.
28910 LD A,(23672) Update LastFrame with FRAMES.
28913 LD (24095),A
28916 LD A,1 Set FrameUpdated as "being updated" (i.e. 1).
28918 LD (24096),A
28921 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
28923 LD HL,24204 Write State_Flower to 28989.
28926 LD (28989),HL
28929 LD A,195 Write 195 to 29007 and ResetModifiedInFrame to 29008, i.e. JP ResetModifiedInFrame.
28931 LD (29007),A
28934 LD HL,28965
28937 LD (29008),HL
28940 LD IX,24172 IX=State_Robbie_Active.
28944 JP MainLoop Jump to MainLoop.
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