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9F6A: Game Complete
Used by the routine at A18C.
Clear down the play area.
GameComplete 9F6A CALL ClearPlayArea_Attributes Call ClearPlayArea_Attributes.
9F6D CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
Display the "Game Complete" screen.
9F70 LD HL,$C386 HL=Room_Special_Complete.
9F73 CALL DrawRoom Call DrawRoom.
Display the "Game Complete" messaging.
9F76 LD DE,$9F91 DE=GameComplete_Copy.
There are six lines of text.
9F79 LD B,$06 B=06.
9F7B CALL Poem_Loop Call Poem_Loop.
9F7E LD DE,$BC67 DE=MusicData_GameComplete.
9F81 CALL PlayAudio Call PlayAudio.
9F84 CALL $AC28 Call AC28.
9F87 XOR A Write 00 to ActivePlayer_Lives.
9F88 LD ($96BD),A
9F8B CALL DisplayPlayerLives Call DisplayPlayerLives.
9F8E JP $AA27 Jump to AA27.
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