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B0A3: Handler: Controls
Used by the routines at PlayerMovement, GamePlay_Start and B6D7.
C Controls
Bit Action
0 Left
1 Right
2 Down
3 Up
4 Fire
HandlerControls B0A3 LD A,($9692) A=GameOptions.
B0A6 RRCA Shift off the keyboard option.
B0A7 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1 (Kempston and Cursor joystick options).
B0A9 JR Z,ReadKeyboard If there are no joystick options, then keyboard was selected - so jump to ReadKeyboard.
B0AB DEC A If bit 0 was on then Kempston joystick was selected - so jump to ReadKempstonJoystick.
B0AC JR Z,ReadKempstonJoystick
B0AE DEC A If bit 1 was on then Cursor joystick was selected - so jump to ReadCursorJoystick.
B0AF JR Z,ReadCursorJoystick
Else, handle Interface II joystick - it's the only option left.
Continue on to ReadInterfaceIIJoystick.
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