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B304: High Scores
Each high score slot uses 3-bytes for the score with the players initials.
Most other Ultimate games only hold the high score.
Top score.
Top_HighScore_1 B304 DEFB $10 Byte #1.
Top_HighScore_2 B305 DEFB $22 Byte #2.
Top_HighScore_3 B306 DEFB $75 Byte #3.
Top_HighScore_Initials B307 DEFM "ULT" "ULT".
2nd place.
Pos_2_HighScore_1 B30A DEFB $05 Byte #1.
Pos_2_HighScore_2 B30B DEFB $51 Byte #2.
Pos_2_HighScore_3 B30C DEFB $50 Byte #3.
Pos_2_HighScore_Initials B30D DEFM "ACG" "ACG".
3rd place.
Pos_3_HighScore_1 B310 DEFB $03 Byte #1.
Pos_3_HighScore_2 B311 DEFB $78 Byte #2.
Pos_3_HighScore_3 B312 DEFB $95 Byte #3.
Pos_3_HighScore_Initials B313 DEFM "CTJ" "CTJ".
4th place.
Pos_4_HighScore_1 B316 DEFB $02 Byte #1.
Pos_4_HighScore_2 B317 DEFB $43 Byte #2.
Pos_4_HighScore_3 B318 DEFB $20 Byte #3.
Pos_4_HighScore_Initials B319 DEFM "TDJ" "TDJ".
5th place.
Pos_5_HighScore_1 B31C DEFB $01 Byte #1.
Pos_5_HighScore_2 B31D DEFB $27 Byte #2.
Pos_5_HighScore_3 B31E DEFB $75 Byte #3.
Pos_5_HighScore_Initials B31F DEFM "JSL" "JSL".
6th place.
Pos_6_HighScore_1 B322 DEFB $00 Byte #1.
Pos_6_HighScore_2 B323 DEFB $82 Byte #2.
Pos_6_HighScore_3 B324 DEFB $50 Byte #3.
Pos_6_HighScore_Initials B325 DEFM "CLW" "CLW".
New high score entry buffer.
New_HighScore_1 B328 DEFB $00 Byte #1.
New_HighScore_2 B329 DEFB $00 Byte #2.
New_HighScore_3 B32A DEFB $00 Byte #3.
New_HighScore_Initials B32B DEFM " " "   ".
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