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40047: Routine at 9C6F
Used by the routine at Game_Over.
40047 LD A,(39979) Return if 39979 is not zero.
40050 AND A
40051 RET NZ
40052 LD A,(43523) Return if 43523 or 43587 is not zero.
40055 LD HL,43587
40058 OR (HL)
40059 RET NZ
40060 LD A,(43524) Return if 43524 is 23.
40063 CP 23
40065 RET Z
40066 LD HL,40102 Decrease 40102 by one, return if it is not zero.
40069 DEC (HL)
40070 RET NZ
40071 LD (HL),13 Write 13 to;
40073 CALL Time_Tick Call Time_Tick and jump to Print_Time if it is not zero.
40076 JR NZ,Print_Time
40078 LD A,1 Write 1 to;
40080 LD (39979),A
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