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51136: New Game
Used by the routine at 64896.
New_Game 51136 LD HL,(23672) Fetch FRAMES as a random number seed.
51139 LD (55468),HL Write it to 55468.
51142 CALL Init_Title_Screen Call Init_Title_Screen.
51145 LD HL,16384 Clears the screen buffer by writing 0 to all 6912 memory locations.
51148 LD DE,16385
51151 LD BC,6911
51154 LD (HL),0
51156 LDIR
51158 LD B,128 Calls Halt_Loop with the counter 128.
51160 CALL Halt_Loop
51163 LD HL,52148 Jump to New_HighScore with HL=Copied_5B80 and IX=Scoredigit06.
51166 LD IX,52614
51170 JP New_HighScore
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