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52282: Main Playfield Initialisation
Used by the routine at Prep_Display_Phase.
Draws Main Playfield with all three doors closed.
Draw_PlayWithDoors 52282 LD IX,52280 Draw the main game playfield.
52286 CALL Draw_Playfield
52289 LD A,1 Calls Draw_DoorFrame1 with Door_Frame_Reference set to 1.
52291 LD (52762),A
52294 CALL Draw_DoorFrame1
52297 LD A,2 Calls Draw_DoorFrame1 with Door_Frame_Reference set to 2.
52299 LD (52762),A
52302 CALL Draw_DoorFrame1
52305 LD A,3 Jump to Draw_DoorFrame1 with Door_Frame_Reference set to 3.
52307 LD (52762),A
52310 JP Draw_DoorFrame1
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