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5B01: Game Entry Commands
See LoadingEntryPointContinued. This data is copied to GameEntryPoint after the game is loaded and then becomes the game entry point executable code.
GameEntryCommands 5B01 DEFB $21,$FE,$FE,$3E,$C3,$77,$23,$3E
5B09 DEFB $69,$77,$23,$3E,$FE,$77,$21,$00
5B11 DEFB $F4,$01,$04,$01,$3E,$FE,$77,$23
5B19 DEFB $0B,$78,$B1,$20,$F7,$01,$00,$00
5B21 DEFB $ED,$43,$FE,$FF,$ED,$43,$FC,$FF
5B29 DEFB $ED,$43,$FB,$FF,$F3,$21,$00,$FA
5B31 DEFB $22,$F9,$FF,$3E,$F4,$ED,$47,$ED
5B39 DEFB $5E,$3E,$03,$32,$F7,$FF
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