Page Byte Address Description
64 0 4000
Loading Screen
91 0 5B00
91 1 5B01
Game Entry Commands
91 63 5B3F
Pointer: Game Entry Point
91 65 5B41
91 204 5BCC
Active Room: Key Colour
91 205 5BCD
Active Room: Closed Door Colour
91 206 5BCE
91 207 5BCF
Active Room: Room Scaffolding Colour
91 208 5BD0
Active Border Colour
91 209 5BD1
Active Room: Paper Colour
91 210 5BD2
Active Room: Ladder Colour
91 211 5BD3
Current Room: Room ID
91 212 5BD4
Temporary: Current Room ID
91 213 5BD5
91 214 5BD6
Reference: Doors
91 216 5BD8
Reference: Ladders
91 218 5BDA
Reference: Keys And Locked Doors
91 220 5BDC
Reference: Port Hole Reference
91 222 5BDE
Reference: Pirate
91 224 5BE0
Reference: Items
91 226 5BE2
Reference: Furniture
91 228 5BE4
Reference: Lifts
91 230 5BE6
Reference: Disappearing Floors
91 232 5BE8
Pointer: Current Room Buffer
91 234 5BEA
Control Method
91 235 5BEB
User-Defined Keys
91 240 5BF0
Game State
91 241 5BF1
Player Lives
91 242 5BF2
Player Treasure
91 244 5BF4
Player Booty
91 246 5BF6
91 250 5BFA
Golden Key Timer Frame Skip
91 252 5BFC
Golden Key Room ID
91 253 5BFD
Golden Key Position
91 255 5BFF
Golden Key Timer
92 0 5C00
93 223 5DDF
Messaging: Booty
93 233 5DE9
Data block at 5DE9
105 64 6940
On-Load Entry Point #1
105 71 6947
105 87 6957
On-Load Entry Point #2
105 103 6967
105 120 6978
Introduction Screen
132 120 8478
Graphics: Room Furniture #1
135 120 8778
Graphics: Room Furniture #2 (Non-Interactive)
138 120 8A78
Graphics: Player Sprite
143 40 8F28
Graphics: Pirate
146 40 9228
146 76 924C
Graphics: Porthole
147 76 934C
Graphics: Bomb
148 76 944C
Graphics: Animals
149 140 958C
Graphics: Player Swimming Sprite
150 76 964C
Graphics: Sand (Goldfish Game)
150 204 96CC
Graphics: Dolphin (Goldfish Game)
151 204 97CC
Graphics: Sea Snake (Goldfish Game)
152 140 988C
Graphics: Marlin (Goldfish Game)
153 76 994C
Graphics: Squid (Goldfish Game)
153 204 99CC
Graphics: Goldfish (Goldfish Game)
153 236 99EC
Graphics: Boat 1 (Goldfish Game)
156 236 9CEC
Graphics: Boat 2 (Goldfish Game)
159 236 9FEC
Graphics: Player Sprite (Goldfish Game)
160 108 A06C
Graphics: Mask Sprite
161 11 A10B
Data block at A10B
161 108 A16C
Source Code Remnants
161 196 A1C4
Buffer: Room
164 228 A4E4
Buffer: Room Attributes
168 4 A804
Controller: Draw Room
168 23 A817
Print UDG
168 63 A83F
Routine at A83F
168 110 A86E
Routine at A86E
168 147 A893
Populate Room Buffer
168 175 A8AF
Routine at A8AF
168 216 A8D8
Clear Room Buffer
169 0 A900
Draw Room
170 151 AA97
Unpack All Rooms
170 244 AAF4
Unpack Room
171 68 AB44
Populate Current Room Buffers And References
171 194 ABC2
Copy Room Data
171 214 ABD6
Default Room Data
186 162 BAA2
Data block at BAA2
186 163 BAA3
Data block at BAA3
186 165 BAA5
Temporary Table Room Data Pointer
186 167 BAA7
186 169 BAA9
Table: Room Data
186 213 BAD5
Buffer Pointer
186 215 BAD7
Buffer: Room Data
188 203 BCCB
Data: Room #21
188 254 BCFE
Data: Room #20
189 190 BDBE
Data: Room #19
190 146 BE92
Data: Room #18
191 102 BF66
Data: Room #17
192 93 C05D
Data: Room #16
193 45 C12D
Data: Room #15
194 4 C204
Data: Room #14
194 189 C2BD
Data: Room #13
195 119 C377
Data: Room #12
196 73 C449
Data: Room #11
196 244 C4F4
Data: Room #10
197 162 C5A2
Data: Room #09
198 49 C631
Data: Room #08
198 214 C6D6
Data: Room #07
199 130 C782
Data: Room #06
200 12 C80C
Data: Room #05
200 170 C8AA
Data: Room #04
201 113 C971
Data: Room #03
202 19 CA13
Data: Room #02
202 217 CAD9
Data: Room #01
203 149 CB95
Source Code Remnants
205 20 CD14
Game Entry Point
205 111 CD6F
Set Default Keyboard Inputs
205 134 CD86
Display Introduction Screen
205 209 CDD1
Display Title Screen
206 65 CE41
Hidden Goldfish Game
207 246 CFF6
Goldfish Game: Collision
208 91 D05B
Goldfish Game: Refill Oxygen
208 138 D08A
Start Game
208 172 D0AC
Animate Title Screen
208 212 D0D4
Set Cursor Joystick
208 226 D0E2
Set Kempston Joystick
209 8 D108
Restart Set User-Defined Keys
209 12 D10C
Set Interface 2 Joystick
209 111 D16F
Messaging: Press Fire Button
209 136 D188
Set User-Defined Keys
210 12 D20C
Current In-Focus User-Defined Key
210 13 D20D
Print User-Defined Key
210 43 D22B
210 44 D22C
Table: Key Map
210 83 D253
Set Default Keys
210 89 D259
Turn Inverse On
210 96 D260
Goldfish Game: Handler: Bubbles
210 242 D2F2
Goldfish Game: Air Bar
211 62 D33E
Goldfish Game: Oxygen Level
211 63 D33F
Goldfish Game: Erase Sprite
211 83 D353
Goldfish Game: Print Colour UDG
211 166 D3A6
Small Pause
211 175 D3AF
Handler: Sea Creature Animation
212 96 D460
Goldfish Game: Print Sprite
212 190 D4BE
Clear Screen
212 196 D4C4
Goldfish Game: Move Player Right
212 200 D4C8
Goldfish Game: Move Player Left
212 204 D4CC
Routine at D4CC
213 80 D550
Goldfish Game: Drop Fish (When Player Is Out Of Air)
213 92 D55C
Controls: Kempston Joystick
213 121 D579
Goldfish Game: Player Controls
213 160 D5A0
213 176 D5B0
Toggle Music
213 199 D5C7
Goldfish Game: Move Player Down
213 203 D5CB
Goldfish Game: Move Player Up
213 207 D5CF
Menu Keypress
214 2 D602
Demo Mode
214 14 D60E
Print String
214 22 D616
Handler: Sea Creature Movement
214 71 D647
Routine at D647
215 113 D771
Free-Up Sea Creature Slot
215 120 D778
Handler: Sea Creatures
215 231 D7E7
Choose Sea Creature
216 111 D86F
Data block at D86F
216 112 D870
Goldfish Game: Print Boats
216 162 D8A2
Goldfish Game: Animate Boats
216 212 D8D4
Update Animation Counter
216 226 D8E2
Goldfish Game: Animate Sand
217 42 D92A
Goldfish Game: Animate Player
217 61 D93D
Goldfish Game: Buoyancy Counter
217 62 D93E
Table: Default Sea Creatures
217 182 D9B6
Messaging: Release Joystick
217 210 D9D2
Messaging: Fish Game Status Bar
217 253 D9FD
Messaging: Title Screen
218 58 DA3A
Messaging: Menu Item - Keyboard
218 80 DA50
Messaging: Menu Item - Interface 2 Joystick
218 110 DA6E
Messaging: Menu Item - Cursor Joystick
218 135 DA87
Messaging: Menu Item - Kempston Joystick
218 162 DAA2
Messaging: Menu Item - Define Keys
218 183 DAB7
Messaging: Menu Item - Start Game
218 203 DACB
Messaging: Define Keys
218 225 DAE1
Messaging: Left
218 238 DAEE
Messaging: Right
218 252 DAFC
Messaging: Up
219 7 DB07
Messaging: Down
219 20 DB14
Messaging: Enter Room/ Space Exits
219 54 DB36
Game status buffer entry at DB36
219 56 DB38
Game status buffer entry at DB38
219 59 DB3B
Goldfish Game: Temporary Sprite Width
219 60 DB3C
Goldfish Game: Temporary Sprite ID
219 61 DB3D
Data block at DB3D
219 66 DB42
Goldfish Game: Numer Of Fish Caught
219 67 DB43
219 68 DB44
Goldfish Game: Numer Of Fish Needed
219 69 DB45
219 70 DB46
Data: Sea Creatures (Goldfish Game)
220 6 DC06
220 14 DC0E
Goldfish Game: Player Attributes
220 34 DC22
Buffer: Sand Animation (Goldfish Game)
221 42 DD2A
Data: Bubbles (Goldfish Game)
221 152 DD98
Data block at DD98
221 154 DD9A
Messaging: Goldfish Game
222 9 DE09
222 168 DEA8
Initialise Game
223 187 DFBB
Graphics: Golden Key
223 203 DFCB
Force Game-Over
223 211 DFD3
All Treasure Collected
224 88 E058
Reset Sound Flags
224 100 E064
Print Status Bar Icons
224 169 E0A9
Print Status Bar
225 24 E118
Routine at E118
225 31 E11F
Increased Frequency Animals Event Timing
225 42 E12A
Animals Event Timing
226 45 E22D
Handler: Animals
227 11 E30B
Player Controls Kempston
227 73 E349
Get Random Number
227 97 E361
Handler: Bad Door
227 164 E3A4
Lose A Life
227 194 E3C2
Controller: Is There A Bomb?
227 224 E3E0
Handler: Explosion
228 111 E46F
Table: Bomb
228 122 E47A
Handler: Bomb
228 241 E4F1
Handler: Lifts 2
229 129 E581
Handler: Disappearing Floors
229 244 E5F4
Handler: Items
230 188 E6BC
Messaging: Find The Gold Key
230 220 E6DC
Print Colour Character
231 47 E72F
Routine at E72F
231 98 E762
Convert Coordinate To Buffer Offset
231 135 E787
Print Sprite/ Update Buffer
232 4 E804
Routine at E804
232 32 E820
Data block at E820
232 33 E821
Handler: Lifts
233 217 E9D9
In-Game Pause
233 226 E9E2
Routine at E9E2
234 147 EA93
Print Sprite
235 5 EB05
Player: Move Right
235 73 EB49
Player: Move Left
235 141 EB8D
Handler: Unlock Door
235 216 EBD8
Handler: Player
237 53 ED35
Player Controls
237 125 ED7D
In-Game Toggle Music
237 143 ED8F
Routine at ED8F
237 154 ED9A
Handler: Ladders Descending
238 8 EE08
Handler: Ladders Ascending
238 91 EE5B
Handler: Doors
238 166 EEA6
Routine at EEA6
238 215 EED7
Routine at EED7
240 1 F001
Handler: Pirates
241 4 F104
Handler: Housekeeping
241 7 F107
Handler: Keys And Locked Doors
241 175 F1AF
Routine at F1AF
241 229 F1E5
Routine at F1E5
241 252 F1FC
Handler: Port Hole
242 49 F231
Table: Player Attributes
242 69 F245
Table: Default Player Attributes
242 89 F259
Port Hole Timer Frame Skip
242 90 F25A
242 91 F25B
Graphics: Extra
242 123 F27B
Graphics: Lifts
242 187 F2BB
Messaging: Game Status Bar
242 219 F2DB
Table: Bomb Sparks
242 249 F2F9
Table: Default Bomb Sparks
243 23 F317
Data block at F317
243 28 F31C
Game status buffer entry at F31C
243 48 F330
Pointer: Room Buffer
243 50 F332
Game status buffer entry at F332
243 52 F334
Lifts/ Pirates Frame Skip
243 53 F335
Active Sprite Width
243 54 F336
Active Sprite ID
243 55 F337
243 58 F33A
Data block at F33A
243 64 F340
Demo Mode Timer
243 65 F341
Bomb Frame Skip
243 66 F342
Kempston Control
243 67 F343
Random Number Seed
243 69 F345
244 0 F400
Interrupt Low-Order Byte Jump Table
245 0 F500
246 24 F618
Sound Generator: White Noise
246 72 F648
Play Wave #1
246 108 F66C
Play Wave #2
246 143 F68F
Play Wave #3
246 181 F6B5
Play Wave #4
246 219 F6DB
Music: Theme Tune
247 35 F723
Sound Handler: Collected Key
247 59 F73B
Sound Handler: Unlocked Door
247 83 F753
Sound Handler: Caught By Pirate
247 116 F774
Sound Handler: Bomb Explosion
247 140 F78C
Sound Handler: Collected Item
247 164 F7A4
Sound Handler: Touched Animal
247 194 F7C2
Routine at F7C2
247 216 F7D8
Sound Handler: Bomb Fuse
247 246 F7F6
Sound Handler: Bomb Sparks
248 13 F80D
Controller: Animal Sounds
248 55 F837
Sound Handler: Bird Sound
248 85 F855
Controller: Bomb Sounds
248 99 F863
Controller: General Sounds
248 136 F888
Routine at F888
248 175 F8AF
Bomb Timer
248 192 F8C0
Delay Loop
248 198 F8C6
250 0 FA00
Melody Data: Theme Tune
252 21 FC15
Data block at FC15
254 105 FE69
Handler: Interrupts
254 134 FE86
Bomb Helper
254 136 FE88
Interrupt Counter
254 137 FE89
Data block at FE89
254 254 FEFE
Alias: Interrupt Jump Dispatcher
255 1 FF01
Data block at FF01
255 220 FFDC
255 235 FFEB
Data block at FFEB
255 247 FFF7
Game status buffer entry at FFF7
255 248 FFF8
Music: On/ Off
255 249 FFF9
Music: Theme Tune Pointer
255 251 FFFB
Sound Flag:
255 252 FFFC
Sound Flag:
255 253 FFFD
Sound Flag: Bomb
255 254 FFFE
Sound Flag: General
255 255 FFFF
Sound Flag: Animal