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D579: Goldfish Game: Player Controls
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
GoldfishGame_PlayerControls D579 LD IX,$DC0E IX=GoldfishGame_PlayerAttributes.
D57D LD A,($5BEA) Jump to Controls_KempstonJoystick if *ControlMethod is set to Kempston joystick (0C).
D580 CP $0C
D582 JP Z,Controls_KempstonJoystick
D585 CALL $028E Call KEY_SCAN.
D588 LD A,E A=the keypress.
D589 LD HL,$5BEB Jump to GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveLeft if A is equal to *UserDefinedKeys_Left.
D58C CP (HL)
D58D JP Z,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveLeft
D590 INC HL Jump to GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveRight if A is equal to *UserDefinedKeys_Right.
D591 CP (HL)
D592 JP Z,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveRight
D595 INC HL Jump to GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveUp if A is equal to *UserDefinedKeys_Up.
D596 CP (HL)
D597 JP Z,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveUp
D59A INC HL Jump to GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveDown if A is equal to *UserDefinedKeys_Down.
D59B CP (HL)
D59C JP Z,GoldfishGame_PlayerMoveDown
D59F RET Return.
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