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B3AB: Press Any Key
Used by the routines at PrintWages, B3BE and GameOver.
Test for a keypress...
PressAnyKey B3AB XOR A A=00.
B3AC IN A,($FE) Check for keyboard input.
B3AE OR %11100000 Set bits 5-7.
B3B0 CP $FF If the result is not FF jump to PressAnyKey.
B3B2 JR NZ,PressAnyKey
Test for a key release...
PressAnyKey_Debounce B3B4 XOR A A=00.
B3B5 IN A,($FE) Check for keyboard input.
B3B7 OR %11100000 Set bits 5-7.
B3B9 CP $FF If the result is FF jump to PressAnyKey_Debounce.
B3BB JR Z,PressAnyKey_Debounce
B3BD RET Return.
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