Address Length Description
813A 1
Game status buffer entry at 813A
A83B 2
Temp Stack Pointer Storage
B09D 2
Current Character Pointer
B2DB 1
Game Options
Holds the control method.
Byte Option
00 Keyboard
01 Kempston Joystick
02 Sinclair Joystick
B34B 1
Flag: Money Helper
This is 00 until a digit has been written. It's used to suppress writing leading 00's so the output is "£ 10" instead of "£010".
B4E9 1
Temporary Storage: Game Options
B4EA 1
Flag: Theme Music Key Change
B55F 1
Flag: Demo Mode
B951 1
Temporary Storage: Room ID
BAB3 1
Messaging Countdown
Initialised to 1E at BAAD and the countdown is made by Redraw_Banner_Underline.
BC67 5
Character: Frame ID
BC6C 5
Character: X Screen Position
BC71 5
Character: Y Screen Position
BC76 5
Character: Current Room ID
BC7B 5
Game status buffer entry at BC7B
BC80 5
Game status buffer entry at BC80
BC85 5
Character: Colour Attribute
BC8A 5
Game status buffer entry at BC8A
BC8F 5
Game status buffer entry at BC8F
BC94 5
Character: Lives
BC99 5
Game status buffer entry at BC99
BC9E 10
Game status buffer entry at BC9E
BCA8 15
Game status buffer entry at BCA8
BCB7 10
Character: Items
BCC1 40
Game status buffer entry at BCC1
EB54 1
Game status buffer entry at EB54
EC0F 14
Game Flags
Total Gang Earnings
ED00 19
Game status buffer entry at ED00
F104 10
Game status buffer entry at F104