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45900: Print Earnings
Used by the routines at PrintWages and GameOver.
C Initial colour attribute value
DE Screen co-ordinates
HL Pointer to money earned memory location
PrintEarnings 45900 PUSH HL Stash HL, BC and DE on the stack.
45901 PUSH BC
45902 PUSH DE
Print (or don't print) the equals sign:
When called by GameOver the attribute for this is 0 (INK: BLACK, PAPER: BLACK and so, is invisible).
45903 LD A,61 A=61.
45905 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Move one character block to the right.
45908 INC E Increment E by one.
Print the GBP pounds sign.
45909 LD C,66 C=66 (INK: RED, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) ).
45911 LD A,38 A=38.
45913 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Move one character block to the right.
45916 INC E Increment E by one.
Initialise the leading zero suppression flag. See Flag_MoneyHelper for details.
45917 XOR A Write 0 to Flag_MoneyHelper.
45918 LD (45899),A
Set the attribute for all the money digits.
45921 LD C,69 C=69 (INK: CYAN, PAPER: BLACK (BRIGHT) ).
Money is stored as two digits.
45923 LD B,2 B=2 (counter).
Fetch the money digit.
PrintEarnings_Loop 45925 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
45926 SRL A Shift and rotate the upper bits to be the lower bits.
45928 SRL A
45930 SRL A
45932 SRL A
Convert the number into ASCII ready for printing to the screen.
Add ASCII "0" - so for example 1 ends up being 1 + 48 = 49 (e.g. "1" in ASCII).
45934 ADD A,48 A+=48.
If the resulting number is not zero, then it needs to be printed to the screen.
45936 CP 48 If A is not 48 jump to PrintEarnings_Print_Upper.
45938 JR NZ,PrintEarnings_Print_Upper
And, if it is zero - print it, unless the leading zero suppression flag says otherwise.
45940 LD A,(45899) If Flag_MoneyHelper is zero jump to PrintEarnings_Skip.
45943 OR A
45944 JR Z,PrintEarnings_Skip
Set the following printed character to be zero:
45946 LD A,48 A=48.
PrintEarnings_Print_Upper 45948 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Indicate that we have written a digit.
45951 LD A,1 Write 1 to Flag_MoneyHelper.
45953 LD (45899),A
Move one character block to the right.
PrintEarnings_Skip 45956 INC E Increment E by one.
Refresh the money byte. We've processed the upper bits already and now we want to process the lower bits.
45957 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
45958 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
As above; add ASCII "0".
45960 ADD A,48 A+=48.
If the resulting number is not zero, then it needs to be printed to the screen.
45962 CP 48 If A is not 48 jump to PrintEarnings_Print_Lower.
45964 JR NZ,PrintEarnings_Print_Lower
Force some output if everything is zero.
45966 LD A,B If B (the counter) is 1 jump to PrintEarnings_Print_Zero.
45967 CP 1
45969 JR Z,PrintEarnings_Print_Zero
If nothing has been printed yet just skip to the next money byte.
45971 LD A,(45899) If Flag_MoneyHelper is zero jump to PrintEarnings_NextByte.
45974 OR A
45975 JR Z,PrintEarnings_NextByte
PrintEarnings_Print_Zero 45977 LD A,48 A=48.
PrintEarnings_Print_Lower 45979 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
45982 LD A,1 Write 1 to Flag_MoneyHelper.
45984 LD (45899),A
Move one character block to the right.
PrintEarnings_NextByte 45987 INC E Increment E by one.
Move onto the next money byte.
45988 INC HL Increment HL by one.
45989 DJNZ PrintEarnings_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to PrintEarnings_Loop until counter is zero.
Restore all the previous registers and return.
45991 POP DE Restore DE, BC and HL from the stack.
45992 POP BC
45993 POP HL
45994 RET Return.
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