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58108: Routine at E2FC
Used by the routine at 45704.
58108 LD A,(IY+0) Jump to 58123 if IY+0 is zero.
58111 OR A
58112 JR Z,58123
58114 CP 3 If it is 3 jump to 58123.
58116 JR Z,58123
58118 XOR A Write 0 to IY-25.
58119 LD (IY-25),A
58122 RET Return.
58123 LD A,(IY-25) Return if IY-25 is not zero.
58126 OR A
58127 RET NZ
58128 LD A,1 Write 1 to IY-25.
58130 LD (IY-25),A
This entry point is used by the routine at 45478.
58133 LD A,(47441) Return if *TempStore_Room and *IY+15 are not equal.
58136 CP (IY+15)
58139 RET NZ
Play the "walking" sound.
58140 LD BC,1793 BC=1793.
58143 LD DE,3841 DE=3841.
58146 LD HL,1028 HL=1028.
58149 CALL PlayWaveSequence Call PlayWaveSequence.
58152 RET Return.
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