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59258: Clear Character Items
Used by the routine at 58397.
ClearCharacterItems 59258 PUSH HL Stash HL, BC and DE on the stack.
59259 PUSH BC
59260 PUSH DE
59261 LD IX,33272 IX=ScreenBuffer_Locations.
The number of rows to blank.
59265 LD C,32 C=32 (rows).
Fetch the screen buffer address.
ClearCharacterItems_NextLine 59267 LD L,(IX+0) L=IX+0.
59270 LD H,(IX+1) H=IX+1.
The number of columns to blank.
59273 LD B,15 B=15.
ClearCharacterItems_Loop 59275 LD (HL),0 Write 0 to *HL.
59277 INC HL Increment HL by one.
59278 DJNZ ClearCharacterItems_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to ClearCharacterItems_Loop until counter is zero.
Move onto the next line down in the screen buffer.
59280 INC IX Increment IX by two.
59282 INC IX
Keep looping until all rows have been blanked.
59284 DEC C Decrease C by one.
59285 JR NZ,ClearCharacterItems_NextLine Jump to ClearCharacterItems_NextLine until C is zero.
Restore the registers and return.
59287 POP DE Restore DE, BC and HL from the stack.
59288 POP BC
59289 POP HL
59290 RET Return.
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