Infinite Lives
POKE 58215,182
This alters the line.
58214 DEC (IY+45)
POKE 58179,201
This alters the line.
58179 RET NZ
To immediately just return without any flag checking.
Change Characters Anywhere
POKE 59320,24
59320 JR Z,59328
Freezes Gang Members Not In Your Control
POKE 43308,201
This alters the routine which handles the character movements, to change this line:
43308 PUSH IY
To immediately just return.
Food is at Bakers & Bar
POKE 63506,233
Food is at Workshed & Butchers
POKE 63506,237
Food is at Bar & Wally's House
POKE 63506,241
Food is at Butchers & Bakers
POKE 63506,245
Food is at Wally's House & Workshed
POKE 63506,249
No Letters (Default)
POKE TotalGangEarnings,0
POKE 60869,1
1 Letter (you see "B" at The Bank)
POKE TotalGangEarnings,2
POKE 60869,2
2 Letters (you see "BR" at The Bank)
POKE TotalGangEarnings,4
POKE 60869,3
3 Letters (you see "BRE" at The Bank)
POKE TotalGangEarnings,6
POKE 60869,4
4 Letters (you see "BREA" at The Bank)
POKE TotalGangEarnings,8
POKE 60869,5
Lives of Wally (0-255)
POKE 48276,nn
Lives of Wilma (0-255)
POKE 48277,nn
Lives of Tom (0-255)
POKE 48278,nn
Lives of Dick (0-255)
POKE 48279,nn
Lives of Harry (0-255)
POKE 48280,nn
The Bottle Full
POKE 60431,1
The Fuse Rewired
POKE 60432,1
The Parcel Stamped
POKE 60433,1
The Hook Working
POKE 60434,1
The Bucket Full
POKE 60435,1
The Pipe Patched
POKE 60436,1
The Battery Charged
POKE 60437,1
The Oil Can Full
POKE 60438,1
Fountain Repaired
POKE 60439,1
Wall Built
POKE 60440,1
PhoneBox Stage Completed
POKE 60444,1
Item at Supermarket [floor] (0-40)
POKE 48373,nn
Item at Park (0-40)
POKE 48378,nn
Item at Wall Street [engine] (0-40)
POKE 48385,nn
Item at Workshed [on left table] (0-40)
POKE 48399,nn
Item at Workshed [under left table] (0-40)
POKE 48403,nn
Item at Workshed [under right table] (0-40)
POKE 48407,nn
Item at School (0-40)
POKE 48417,nn
Item at Kemco Lab [on left table] (0-40)
POKE 48434,nn
Item at Kemco Lab [on right table] (0-40)
POKE 48438,nn
Item at Garage (0-40)
POKE 48443,nn
Item at Wally's House (0-40)
POKE 48461,nn
Item at Bank (0-40)
POKE 48463,nn
Item at Butchers [bottom] (0-40)
POKE 48474,nn
Item at Station (0-40)
POKE 48490,nn
Item at Sewer (0-40)
POKE 48504,nn
1st Item [Wally] (0-40)
POKE 48311,nn
2nd Item [Wally] (0-40)
POKE 48316,nn
1st Item [Wilma] (0-40)
POKE 48312,nn
2nd Item [Wilma] (0-40)
POKE 48317,nn
1st Item [Tom] (0-40)
POKE 48313,nn
2nd Item [Tom] (0-40)
POKE 48318,nn
1st Item [Dick] (0-40)
POKE 48314,nn
2nd Item [Dick] (0-40)
POKE 48319,nn
1st Item [Harry] (0-40)
POKE 48315,nn
2nd Item [Harry] (0-40)
POKE 48320,nn
Remove Colours From The Main Characters
POKE 45444,0
POKE 45446,0
POKE 45453,0
This removes all the lines which would otherwise write the colour attribute value (C) to the attribute buffer (HL).
45444 LD (HL),C
45445 INC HL
45446 LD (HL),C
45447 INC HL
45448 LD A,255
45450 OR A
45451 JR Z,45454
45453 LD (HL),C
Characters Can't Pick Up Objects
POKE 43504,0
POKE 43505,0
POKE 43506,0
This removes the line which would otherwise call the routine to handle picking up objects.
43504 CALL 43568