Prev: 24576 Up: Map Next: 24653
24583: Routine at 6007
Used by the routine at 24576.
ENTRY 24583 LD HL,22559 HL=22559.
24586 LD DE,31 DE=0031.
24589 LD B,15 B=15 (counter).
LOOP 24591 LD A,(HL)
24592 AND %00111000 Keep only bits 3-5 (PAPER).
24594 RRA Shift the PAPER bits to the "front".
24595 RRA
24596 RRA
24597 LD C,A Store the result in C.
24598 LD A,(HL)
24599 AND %11111000 Keep only bits 3-7 (PAPER, BRIGHT and FLASH bits).
24601 OR C Set the bits from C.
24602 INC HL Increment HL by one.
24603 LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
24604 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
24605 DJNZ LOOP Decrease counter by one and loop back to LOOP until counter is zero.
24607 CALL 28297 Call 28297.
24610 LD A,(23329)
24613 BIT 3,A
24615 CALL Z,28112
24618 LD BC,256 Copies 256 bytes of data from 22528
24621 LD HL,22529
24624 LD DE,22528
24627 LDIR
24629 LD BC,2048 Copies 2048 bytes of data from ...
24632 LD HL,16385
24635 LD DE,16384
24638 LDIR
24640 BIT 3,A
24642 CALL Z,27913
24645 LD A,(23329)
24648 BIT 3,A
24650 CALL NZ,28112
Prev: 24576 Up: Map Next: 24653