Prev: 24904 Up: Map Next: 25101
25028: Routine at 61C4
Used by the routine at 24653.
25028 LD HL,(23340)
This entry point is used by the routine at 24904.
25031 LD A,(23296)
25034 OR A
25035 JR NZ,25054
25037 LD DE,100
25040 SBC HL,DE
25042 RET C
25043 LD HL,25101
This entry point is used by the routine at 24904.
25046 LD (23338),HL
25049 INC A
25050 LD (23296),A
25053 RET
25054 DEC A
25055 JR NZ,25127
This entry point is used by the routine at 25432.
25057 LD DE,(23338)
25061 LD A,(DE)
25062 INC A
25063 JR NZ,25086
25065 LD A,(23296)
25068 DEC A
25069 RET NZ
25070 LD HL,3611
25073 LD (23326),HL
25076 LD A,1
25078 LD (23325),A
25081 INC A
25082 LD (23296),A
25085 RET
25086 LD HL,3359
This entry point is used by the routine at 25432.
25089 LD B,3
25091 LD C,42
25093 CALL 24966
25096 LD (23338),DE
25100 RET
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