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C80E: Data block at C80E
"Beorns House".
C80E DEFB $16 Location $16.
C80F DEFW $BD12 The direction for Beorns House.
C811 DEFB $01,$00,$31
Direction Via Destination
N --- $31 - "Great River"
"Forest Gate".
C814 DEFB $18 Location $18.
C815 DEFW $BD26 The direction for Forest Gate.
C817 DEFB $03,$00,$19
Direction Via Destination
E --- $19 - "Bewitched Gloomy Place"
"Treeless Opening".
C81A DEFB $15 Location $15.
C81B DEFW $BCF8 The direction for Treeless Opening.
C81D DEFB $04,$00,$14
Direction Via Destination
W --- $14 - "Outside Goblins Gate"
"Long Lake".
C820 DEFB $22 Location $22.
C821 DEFW $BDE2 The direction for Long Lake.
C823 DEFB $03,$00,$23
Direction Via Destination
E --- $23 - "Lake Town"
"Misty Mountain".
C826 DEFB $0A Location $0A.
C827 DEFW $BB0A The direction for Misty Mountain.
C829 DEFB $03,$00,$0B
Direction Via Destination
E --- $0B - "Narrow Place"
C82C DEFB $FF Termination character ($FF).
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