Prev: 40409 Up: Map Next: 40570
40500: Routine at 9E34
Used by the routines at LocationLit, 40409, 40852 and ActionClimbOut.
40500 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
40502 LD IX,(46860) IX=ptrCurObject.
40506 CALL 40512 Call 40512.
40509 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
40511 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at 40409.
40512 BIT 7,(IY+7) Return if the object is not "visible".
40516 RET Z
40517 PUSH IY Stash IY, IX and BC on the stack.
40519 PUSH IX
40521 PUSH BC
40522 LD B,A B=the object ID.
40523 LD C,(IX+16) C=your current location ID.
40526 PUSH IY
40528 CALL ContainerLit
40531 CP B
40532 LD B,A
40533 POP IX
40535 JR Z,40562
40537 CALL ContainerLit
40540 CP B
40541 JR NZ,40559
40543 INC A
40544 JR NZ,40562
40546 LD B,(IY+0)
40549 LD A,C
40550 CP (IY+16)
40553 JR Z,40562
40555 INC IY
40557 DJNZ 40550
40559 XOR A
40560 JR 40564
40562 OR 1
40564 POP BC Restore BC, IX and IY from the stack.
40565 POP IX
40567 POP IY
40569 RET Return.
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