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7E6B: Remove Speech Bubble
Used by the routine at Messaging_Girl.
RemoveSpeechBubble 7E6B LD DE,$9726 Set the source address as Graphics_Couch.
7E6E LD HL,$400D Set the destination address in the screen buffer to 400D.
7E71 LD B,$07 B=07 (width).
7E73 LD C,$20 C=20 (height).
7E75 CALL PrintGraphic Call PrintGraphic.
Recolour the background.
7E78 LD HL,$580D HL=580D (attribute buffer location).
7E7B LD C,$04 C=04 (height in character blocks).
RemoveSpeechBubble_RowLoop 7E7D LD B,$07 B=07 (width).
RemoveSpeechBubble_Loop 7E7F LD A,(DE) Copy one byte of attribute data to the attribute buffer.
7E80 LD (HL),A
7E81 INC DE Increment the source attribute data pointer by one.
7E82 INC HL Increment the attribute buffer pointer by one.
7E83 DJNZ RemoveSpeechBubble_Loop Decrease the counter by one and loop back to RemoveSpeechBubble_Loop until the counter is zero.
7E85 PUSH DE Briefly stash DE on the stack.
7E86 LD DE,$0019 Add 0019 to HL to move onto the next row.
7E8A POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
7E8B DEC C Decrease the counter by one and jump back to RemoveSpeechBubble_RowLoop until the counter is zero.
7E8C JR NZ,RemoveSpeechBubble_RowLoop
7E8E RET Return.
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