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8E44: Check Showdown
Used by the routine at PlayGame.
CheckShowdown 8E44 LD A,($8E59) Increment *InteractionCounter by one.
8E47 INC A
8E48 LD ($8E59),A
8E4B SRL A Divide InteractionCounter by two.
8E4D RET C Return if *InteractionCounter doesn't divide exactly by two (e.g. return if the number is odd).
Both the girl and the player had a "turn" so update the counter.
8E4E LD ($96B8),A Write A to *TurnCounter.
8E51 CP $04 Have there been 04 turns yet?
8E53 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
8E54 CALL Z,Handler_Showdown Call Handler_Showdown if there have been 04 turns.
8E57 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
8E58 RET Return.
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