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8EE2: Handler: Showdown
Used by the routines at PlayGame and CheckShowdown.
Handler_Showdown 8EE2 LD A,($8E43) Return if *8E43 is not zero.
8EE7 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
01 message-09-00 02 message-09-01
03 message-09-02
8EE8 LD A,$09 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 09.
8EEA CALL Messaging_Girl
Show the girls hand in place of the players hand.
8EED LD IX,$96CC IX=GirlsHand.
8EF1 CALL PrintHand Call PrintHand.
Compare the hand evaluation tables to see who won.
8EF4 LD HL,$96B9 HL=Table_PlayerEvaluation.
8EF7 LD DE,$96C0 DE=Table_GirlEvaluation.
8EFA LD B,$07 B=07.
CardChecking_Loop 8EFC LD A,(DE) Jump to PlayerWonRound if *DE is lower than *HL.
8EFE JR C,PlayerWonRound
8F00 JR NZ,GirlWonRound Jump to GirlWonRound if *DE is not equal to *HL.
8F02 INC HL Increment HL by one.
8F03 INC DE Increment DE by one.
8F04 DJNZ CardChecking_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to CardChecking_Loop until counter is zero.
Continue on to GirlWonRound.
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