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9258: Handler: Raising
Used by the routine at PlayerAction_Raise.
HandlerRaising 9258 LD A,$68 A=INK: BLACK, PAPER: CYAN (BRIGHT) .
925A LD HL,$5A95 HL=5A95 (attribute buffer location).
925D CALL UpdateCursorAttribute Call UpdateCursorAttribute.
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
01 message-17-00 02 message-17-01
03 message-17-02
9260 LD A,$11 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 11.
9262 CALL Messaging_Girl
RaisingCollectUserInput 9265 LD A,$01 Write 01 to *92C5.
9267 LD ($92C5),A
926A POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
926C CALL Controls Call Controls.
926F PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
9271 OR A Jump to HandlerRaising_0 if A is zero.
9272 JR Z,HandlerRaising_0
9274 DEC A Decrease A by one.
9275 JR Z,DecreaseRaiseAmount Jump to DecreaseRaiseAmount if A is zero.
9277 DEC A Decrease A by one.
9278 JR Z,IncreaseRaiseAmount Jump to IncreaseRaiseAmount if A is zero.
927A JR RaisingCollectUserInput Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput.
HandlerRaising_0 927C LD A,$78 A=INK: BLACK, PAPER: WHITE (BRIGHT) .
927E LD HL,$5A95 HL=5A95 (attribute buffer location).
9281 CALL UpdateCursorAttribute Call UpdateCursorAttribute.
9284 LD A,($96B7) B=*CurrentRaiseValue.
9287 LD B,A
9288 RET Return.
IncreaseRaiseAmount 9289 LD A,($96B7) A=*CurrentRaiseValue.
928C INC A Increment A by one.
928D CP $15 Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput if A is higher than 15.
928F JR NC,RaisingCollectUserInput
9291 LD B,A B=A.
9292 LD A,($96B5) Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput if *PlayerCash is lower than B.
9295 CP B
9296 JR C,RaisingCollectUserInput
9298 LD A,($96B6) Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput if *GirlCash is lower than B.
929B CP B
929C JR C,RaisingCollectUserInput
929E LD A,B A=B.
929F LD ($96B7),A Write A to *CurrentRaiseValue.
92A2 CALL PrintStats Call PrintStats.
92A5 JR HandlerRaising_1 Jump to HandlerRaising_1.
DecreaseRaiseAmount 92A7 LD A,($96B7) A=*CurrentRaiseValue.
92AA DEC A Decrease A by one.
92AB JR Z,RaisingCollectUserInput Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput if A is zero.
92AD LD ($96B7),A Write A to *CurrentRaiseValue.
92B0 CALL PrintStats Call PrintStats.
HandlerRaising_1 92B3 LD A,$68 A=INK: BLACK, PAPER: CYAN (BRIGHT) .
92B5 LD HL,$5A95 HL=5A95 (attribute buffer location).
92B8 CALL UpdateCursorAttribute Call UpdateCursorAttribute.
92BB LD BC,$4000 BC=4000 (screen buffer location).
RaisePause_Loop 92BE DEC C Decrease C by one.
92BF JR NZ,RaisePause_Loop Jump to RaisePause_Loop until C is zero.
92C1 DJNZ RaisePause_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to RaisePause_Loop until counter is zero.
92C3 JR RaisingCollectUserInput Jump to RaisingCollectUserInput.
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