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94E8: Handler: Two Pairs
Used by the routine at CheckTwoPairs.
Table_CardDuplicates holds counts of duplicate values of cards, this routine specifically looks for two pair matches.
Handler_TwoPairs 94E8 LD HL,$9540 HL=Table_CardDuplicates.
94EB LD B,$0D Set a counter in B of the number of possible values of cards there are in one suit.
CheckTwoPairs_Loop 94ED LD A,(HL) Jump to FoundOnePair if *HL is equal to 02.
94EE CP $02
94F0 JR Z,FoundOnePair
94F2 INC HL Increment HL by one.
94F3 DJNZ CheckTwoPairs_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to CheckTwoPairs_Loop until counter is zero.
TwoPairs_Return 94F5 INC B Increment B by one.
94F6 RET Return.
One pair exists, let's look for a second pair.
FoundOnePair 94F7 DEC B Decrease B by one, as we don't need to count the value we're already on.
94F8 LD ($9516),HL Write HL to *PointerDuplicateCount.
Don't bother with the second loop if this match was the last card value.
94FB JR Z,TwoPairs_Return Jump to TwoPairs_Return if there are no further duplicate counts to check.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_Pair.
CheckSecondPair_Loop 94FD INC HL Increment HL by one.
94FE LD A,(HL) Return if *HL is equal to 02.
94FF CP $02
9501 RET Z
9502 DJNZ CheckSecondPair_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to CheckSecondPair_Loop until counter is zero.
9504 JR TwoPairs_Return Jump to TwoPairs_Return.
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