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96B7: Input: Interface 2
Used by the routine at GameEntry.
InputTest_Interface2 96B7 LD A,($5BA8) A=ControlMethod.
96BA CP $05 If this is already 05 then jump back to TitleSelectInput.
96BC JP Z,TitleSelectInput
This entry point is used by the routine at GameEntry.
Input_Interface2 96BF LD A,$05 Write 05 to ControlMethod.
96C1 LD ($5BA8),A
96C4 CALL TitleScreenPrint Call TitleScreenPrint.
96C7 LD HL,$59A7 HL=59A7.
96CA LD A,$0E A=0E.
96CC CALL $96D2 Call 96D2.
96CF JP TitleSelectInput Jump to TitleSelectInput.
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