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39210: Routine at 992A
Used by the routine at GameEntry.
39210 LD A,251 Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
251 Q W E R T
39212 IN A,(254)
39214 AND %00000010 Keep only bit 1.
39216 JP NZ,TitleSelectInput If "W" hasn't been pressed, jump back to TitleSelectInput.
39219 LD A,255 Write 255 to 48205.
39221 LD (48205),A
39224 LD HL,400 HL=400 (loop delay).
39227 LD DE,200 DE=200 (passes).
39230 CALL 949 Call BEEPER.
39233 JP TitleSelectInput Jump to TitleSelectInput.
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