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47350: Congratulations Print
CongratulationsPrint 47350 LD HL,16384 Writes 0 to all 6144 screen buffer address locations (clears the screen).
47353 LD DE,16385
47356 LD (HL),0
47358 LD BC,6143
47361 LDIR
47363 LD HL,22528 Writes 7 to all 768 attribute buffer address locations.
47366 LD DE,22529
47369 LD BC,767
47372 LD (HL),7
47374 LDIR
47376 XOR A Set the border colour to BLACK.
47377 OUT (254),A
Open the upper screen channel.
47379 LD A,2 A=2.
47381 CALL 5633 Call CHAN_OPEN.
47384 LD DE,47403 DE=CongratulationsCopy (text).
47387 LD BC,191 BC=191 (counter).
47390 CALL 8252 Call PR_STRING.
CongratulationsPrint_Loop 47393 LD A,127 Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
47395 IN A,(254)
47397 AND 1 Loop back round to CongratulationsPrint_Loop until the "SPACE" button is pressed.
47399 JP NZ,CongratulationsPrint_Loop
47402 RET Return.
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