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51563: Routine at C96B
Used by the routines at 48244 and 49029.
51563 PUSH HL Stash HL, DE and BC on the stack.
51564 PUSH DE
51565 PUSH BC
51566 LD DE,51587 DE=51587 (text).
51569 LD BC,12 BC=12 (counter).
51572 CALL 8252 Call PR_STRING.
51575 POP BC Restore BC, DE and HL from the stack.
51576 POP DE
51577 POP HL
51578 CALL 51599 Call 51599.
51581 LD A,74 Write 74 to 23445.
51583 LD (23445),A
51586 RET Return.
51587 DEFB 18,0 FLASH "OFF".
51589 DEFB 22,19,26 PRINT AT (19, 26).
This entry point is used by the routine at 51823.
51592 DEFB 16,5 INK 5.
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