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E535: Human: Draw Sprite
Fetch the humans screen co-ordinates and draw the sprite to the shadow buffer.
Draw_Human_Sprite_Mirrored E535 INC HL Increment human table pointer by one to fetch the screen co-ordinates.
E536 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
E537 INC HL Increment HL by one.
E538 LD B,(HL) B=*HL.
E539 INC HL Increment HL by one.
E53A PUSH HL Stash the human table pointer on the stack.
E53B CALL PrintSprite_Mirrored Call PrintSprite_Mirrored.
E53E POP HL Restore the human table pointer from the stack.
E53F JR Handler_Humans_Next Jump to Handler_Humans_Next.
Fetch the humans screen co-ordinates and draw the sprite to the shadow buffer.
Draw_Human_Sprite E541 INC HL Increment human table pointer by one to fetch the screen co-ordinates.
E542 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
E543 INC HL Increment HL by one.
E544 LD B,(HL) B=*HL.
E545 INC HL Increment HL by one.
E546 PUSH HL Stash the human table pointer on the stack.
E547 CALL PrintSprite Call PrintSprite.
E54A POP HL Restore the human table pointer from the stack.
E54B JR Handler_Humans_Next Jump to Handler_Humans_Next.
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