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E004: Generate Picture
Used by the routine at Game_Initialisation.
IX Pointer to level graphics data
IX will point to one of:
Address Level
GraphicsData_Level_01 Level 01
GraphicsData_Level_02 Level 02
GraphicsData_Level_03 Level 03
GraphicsData_Level_04 Level 04
GraphicsData_Level_05 Level 05
GraphicsData_Level_06 Level 06
GraphicsData_Level_07 Level 07
GraphicsData_Level_08 Level 08
GraphicsData_Level_09 Level 09
GraphicsData_Level_10 Level 10
GeneratePicture E004 LD HL,$A0E3 HL=Buffer_Image.
Clear down the buffer ready for the new image to be generated.
E007 LD BC,$0B40 BC=0B40.
E00A LD (HL),$00 Write 00 to *HL.
E00C PUSH HL DE=Buffer_Image+01 (using the stack).
E00F LDIR Clear 0B40 bytes of data in Buffer_Image.
E011 LD A,$80 Write 80 to *Line_Counter.
E013 LD ($E0DE),A
GeneratePicture_Loop E016 LD A,$80 A=80-*Line_Counter.
E018 LD HL,$E0DE
E01C LD B,$14 B=14.
E01E LD D,$00 Load A into DE.
E020 LD E,A
E021 LD HL,$A0E3 Starting from the first address at Buffer_Image, stored in HL...
GeneratePicture_CurrentLine_Loop E024 ADD HL,DE Keep adding DE to HL.
E025 DJNZ GeneratePicture_CurrentLine_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to GeneratePicture_CurrentLine_Loop until counter is zero.
E027 LD ($E0E0),HL Write HL to *Buffer_Position.
E02A LD A,(IX+$00) Fetch a byte from the level graphics data pointer.
E02D INC IX Increment the level graphics data pointer by one.
E02F CP $C9 Jump to ProcessCompressedImageData if A is equal to C9.
E031 JR Z,ProcessCompressedImageData
E033 CP $CA Jump to GeneratePicture_RLE_Decoding if A is equal to CA.
E035 JR Z,GeneratePicture_RLE_Decoding
E037 PUSH IX Copy the level graphics data pointer into DE (using the stack).
E03A EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
E03B LD BC,$0014 Copy 0014 bytes of data from HL to DE.
E040 PUSH HL Update the level graphics data pointer in IX with the progress made from HL (using the stack).
E043 JR GeneratePicture_Next Jump to GeneratePicture_Next.
Run-length decoding.
GeneratePicture_RLE_Decoding E045 PUSH IX Copy the level graphics data pointer into DE (using the stack).
GeneratePicture_RLE_NormalData E048 LD A,(DE) Fetch a byte from the level graphics data pointer in DE.
E049 CP $00 Jump to GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero if the byte is 00.
E04B JR Z,GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero
E04D LD (HL),A Else, write the byte to the image buffer.
E04E INC HL Increment the image buffer pointer by one.
E04F INC DE Increment the level graphics data pointer (in DE) by one.
E050 JR GeneratePicture_RLE_NormalData Jump to GeneratePicture_RLE_NormalData.
GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero E052 INC DE Increment the level graphics data pointer (in DE) by one.
E053 LD A,(DE) Fetch a byte from the level graphics data pointer in DE.
E054 CP $00 Jump to GeneratePicture_RLE_Next if the byte is 00.
E056 JR Z,GeneratePicture_RLE_Next
E058 LD B,A Copy the fetched byte into B as a repeat counter
E059 XOR A Write 00 to the image buffer.
GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero_Loop E05A LD (HL),A
E05B INC HL Increment the image buffer pointer by one.
E05C DJNZ GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero_Loop Decrease the byte repeat counter by one and loop back to GeneratePicture_RLE_RepeatZero_Loop until the counter is zero.
E05E INC DE Increment the level graphics data pointer (in DE) by one.
E05F JR GeneratePicture_RLE_NormalData Jump to GeneratePicture_RLE_NormalData.
GeneratePicture_RLE_Next E061 INC DE Increment the level graphics data pointer (in DE) by one.
E062 PUSH DE Update the level graphics data pointer in IX with the progress made from DE (using the stack).
E065 JR GeneratePicture_Next Jump to GeneratePicture_Next.
ProcessCompressedImageData E067 LD B,(IX+$01) Load the repeat count into B.
E06A LD A,(IX+$00) Write the operation code to *Operation_Code.
E06D LD ($E0DF),A
ProcessOperationBlock_Loop E070 PUSH BC Stash the repeat count on the stack.
E071 LD A,($E0DF) Load the operation code into A.
E074 CP $C9 Jump to ProcessCompressedImageData_Next if the operation code is C9.
E076 JR Z,ProcessCompressedImageData_Next
E078 CP $CA Jump to ProcessCompressedImageData_Next if the operation code is CA.
E07A JR Z,ProcessCompressedImageData_Next
E07C CP $CB Jump to ProcessBitOperation if the operation code is not CB.
E07E JR NZ,ProcessBitOperation
ProcessCompressedImageData_Next E080 POP BC Restore the repeat count from the stack.
E081 JR GeneratePicture_Next Jump to GeneratePicture_Next.
ProcessBitOperation E083 AND %11111000 Mask to get the byte offset within the current line, store this in D.
E085 LD D,A
E086 RRCA Divide the byte offset by 08 to get the pixel offset, store this in E.
E089 LD E,A
E08A LD A,($E0DF) Reload the operation code into A.
E08D SUB D Subtract to calculate the number of bits to modify.
E08E LD D,$00 D=00.
E091 LD B,A Set the bit count in B.
E092 INC B Adjust B for the loop.
E093 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
E094 AND A Clear the carry flag.
E095 PUSH BC Stash the bit count on the stack.
RotateBitsLeft_Loop E096 RLA Rotate left, moving bits one position to the left.
E097 DJNZ RotateBitsLeft_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to RotateBitsLeft_Loop until counter is zero.
E099 SCF Set the carry flag.
E09A POP BC Restore the bit count from the stack.
RotateBitsRight_Loop E09B RRA Rotate right, moving bits back and inserting 01.
E09C DJNZ RotateBitsRight_Loop Decrease the bit count by one and loop back to RotateBitsRight_Loop until all bits have been processed.
E09E LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
E09F LD HL,$E0DF Increment *Operation_Code by one.
E0A3 LD HL,($E0E0) HL=*Buffer_Position.
E0A6 POP BC Restore the repeat count from the stack.
E0A7 DJNZ ProcessOperationBlock_Loop Decrease the repeat count by one and loop back to ProcessOperationBlock_Loop until all operations are done.
E0A9 INC IX Increment IX by two.
E0AD JP ProcessCompressedImageData Jump to ProcessCompressedImageData.
Has all the image been decompressed now? If not, loop back again.
GeneratePicture_Next E0B0 LD HL,$E0DE HL=Line_Counter.
E0B3 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
E0B4 JP NZ,GeneratePicture_Loop Jump to GeneratePicture_Loop until *HL is zero.
E0B7 INC IX Move IX to the start of the attribute data.
E0B9 LD B,$10 Set a counter in B to process 10 rows of attribute data.
E0BB LD HL,$AAE3 Store the start of Buffer_Image_Attributes in HL.
GeneratePicture_Attributes_Loop E0BE PUSH BC Stash the attribute row counter and the image attributes buffer pointer on the stack.
E0C0 LD A,$00 Initialise the column counter in A.
GeneratePicture_Attribute_Row E0C2 LD C,(IX+$00) Load the attribute value into C.
E0C5 INC IX Load the repeat length into B.
E0C7 LD B,(IX+$00)
E0CA INC IX Move IX to the next attribute/ repeat length pair.
E0CC ADD A,B Add the repeat length to the column counter.
GeneratePicture_Attribute_Run E0CD LD (HL),C Write the attribute to the image attributes buffer.
E0CE INC HL Increment the image attributes buffer pointer by one.
E0CF DJNZ GeneratePicture_Attribute_Run Decrease the repeat counter by one and loop back to GeneratePicture_Attribute_Run until counter is zero.
E0D1 CP $14 Jump to GeneratePicture_Attribute_Row if 14 columns have been processed.
E0D3 JR NZ,GeneratePicture_Attribute_Row
E0D5 POP HL Restore the start of the current attribute row from the stack.
E0D6 LD BC,$0014 Move HL to the next row in the attribute buffer.
E0DA POP BC Restore the attribute row counter from the stack.
E0DB DJNZ GeneratePicture_Attributes_Loop Decrease the attribute row counter by one and loop back to GeneratePicture_Attributes_Loop until counter is zero.
E0DD RET Return.
Variables specifically for this routine.
Line_Counter E0DE DEFB $00
Operation_Code E0DF DEFB $00
Buffer_Position E0E0 DEFW $0000
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